Katz, Elihu, J. D. Peters, T. Libes & A. Orlov: 2003 Canonic Texts in Media Research. Cambridge , Polity Press. 260s
The Colombia School
Lazarsfeld, Paul, B. Berelson & H. Gaudet: 1944/1968 The Peoples Choice. New York, Colombia University Press. s. v – xl, 1- 9, 150 – 158. 51s
Katz, Elihu & P. Lazarsfeld: 1955/1964 Personal Influence. New York, The Free Press. s. 43 – 133. 90s
The Frankfurt School
Horkheimer, Max & T. Adorno: 1947/1991 Kulturindustri. Oslo, Cappelen. 75s
Benjamin, Walter: 1936/ 2002 “The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility” i Eiland & Jennings (eds.): Walter Benjamin Selected Writings, Volum 3 1935-1938. Cambridge, Harward University Press. 33s
The Chicago School
Park, Robert E: 1940 "News as a Form of Knowledge: A Chapter in the Sociology of Knowledge". American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 45, Issue 5 s. 669-686. 18s
Dewey, John: 1927/1991 The Public and Its Problems. Part V "Search for the Great Community". Ohio University Press. s. 143-184. 41s
Lang, Kurt & G. Lang: 1953 "The Unique Perspective of Television and Its Effect: A Pilot Study". American Sociological Review, Vol. 18, Issue 1. s. 3-12. 10s
The Toronto School
Harold A. Innis: 1951/1995 The Bias of Communication. Toronto ,University of Toronto Press. s. 3-60. 57s Mcluhan, Marshall: 1964/1996 Mennesket og media. Oslo, Pax. s. 7-67 60s
British Cultural School
Williams, Raymond: 1974 Television. Glasgow, Fontana/Collins. S. 9-31, s. 44-134 112s
Morley, David: 1992 Television, Audiences & Cultural Studies. London, Routledge s. 75-130 55s
Totalt sidetall 862s