Information about the exam in MEVIT4100, autumn 2018

Exam duration: 03 December - 06 December

The exam assignment will be published in Inspera and on the semester page for the course on Monday 03 December at 11.00 (11 AM).

The deadline for submitting your exam is Thursday 06 December, by 11:00 (11AM). You must submit your exam in the Inspera. The submission folder closes precisely and automatically when the deadline expires, so we recommend that you submit well ahead of the deadline.

Before you start writing your exam, you must make sure that you have read and understood the University's information about cheating and use of sources and citations. 

We strongly recommend that you read this ahead of the exam, so that you may ensure that your exam submission meets the University's standards.

If you are unsure about how to use references and citations correctly, please consult the website Search and Write (S?k og Skriv).

Your exam submission should be approximately 10 standard pages long, not counting the front page and bibliography/reference list. 10 pages +/- 10% is generally considered acceptable.
A standard page uses the default Word margins, Times New Roman font in 12pt, and 1.5 line spacing.

Your submission MUST include your two digit candidate number on the front page. Do not write your name anywhere on your submission.Your candidate number is available in Studentweb.

Submissions must be a PDF (.pdf) file, as this is the only format Inspera accepts. The name of the file should be the same as your candidate number (e.g. 12.pdf).

Trine Syvertsen can be contacted through email at and will answer questions about the exam assignment sent on Monday 03 December by 13:00 (1PM). Questions will be generally be answered by the end of the day.

If you have any questions about submitting your exam, please contact the study administration

Exam preparation:

Information regarding exams at the Department of Media and Communication

Grade guidelines for exams and theses on the masters level at IMK

Published Nov. 27, 2018 12:10 PM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2020 2:04 PM