Syllabus/achievement requirements

Reading list

Syllabus/achievement requirements


Hallin, Daniel C. and Paolo Mancini (2004), Comparing Media Systems. Three Models of media and Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Part 2. The Three Models. 340 pages.

Hilson, Mary (2008/2010), The Nordic Model. Scandinavia since 1945, London: Reaktion Books. 190 pages.

Syvertsen, Trine, Gunn Enli, Ole J. Mj?s and Hallvard Moe (2014), The Media Welfare State: Nordic Media in the Digital Era, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 160 pages.


Downloadable articles (To get access to the articles you have to go via the bibsys library system)

There might be some changes to the article list.



Essential readings

Brink Lund, Anker (2007), ”Media markets in Scandinavia. Political Economy Aspects of Convergence and Divergence.” in Nordicom Review. pp. 121-134. Link

Brink Lund, Anker and Christian Edelvold Berg (2009), ”Denmark, Sweden and Norway: Television Diversity by Duopolistic. Competition and Co-Regulation” International Communication Gazette 71. pp 19-37. Link

Carlsson, Ulla (2007), ”Media and Mass Communication Research. Past, Present and Future. Reflections from a Nordic Horizon.” Nordicom Review, pp. 223-229. Link

Givskov, Cecilie (2014), "Urban, ethnic, provinicial: Anticipations of audience preferences in Danish film funding and production", Journal of Scandinavia Cinema. Pages 133-148. Link

Greve, Bent (2007), "What Characterises the Nordic Welfare Model", Journal of Social Sciences, 3 (2). Pages 43-51. Link

Hjarvard, Stig and Aske Kammer (2015), "Online news: between private enterprise and public subsidy", Media, Culture & Society. vol. 3 (1), pp. 115-123. Link

Kammer, Aske (2016), Market Structure and Innovation Policies in Denmark. Chapter for “Innovation Policies in the European News and Media Industry”. Editor: Hans van Kranenburg. To be published by Springer (Berlin) in 2016. 14 pages. (Copy will be provided in Fronter.)

Kristensen, Nete N?rgaard (2010), "The historical transformation of cultural journalism", in Northern Lights, vol 8, pp. 69–92. 23 pages. Link

Krumsvik, Arne. H. (2013a), Towards a Typology of Strategies for User Involvement. In M. Friedrichsen & W. Mühl-Benninghaus (Eds.), Handbook of Social Media Management (pp. 655-669). Berlin: Springer. ISBN: 9783642288968 (Print) 9783642288975. (Copy will be provided in Fronter.)

Krumsvik, Arne H. (2013b), "Freedom of Expression and the Professionalization of Journalism", in Carlsson, Ulla (ed.) Freedom of Expression Revisited: Citizenship and Journalism in the Digital Era, Nordicom, Gothenburg. Link

Lund, Anker Brink and Lowe (2013), "Current Challenges to Public Service Broadcasting in the Nordic Countries", in Carlsson, Ulla (ed.), Public Service Media from a Nordic Horizon, Nordicom, Gothenburg. (Copy will be provided in Fronter.)

Nord, Lars (2008), ”Comparing Nordic Media Systems: North between West and East?”, in Central European Journal of Communication 1 (2008). Pages. 95-110. Link

Ohlsson, Jonas (2015), The Nordic Media Market 2015", Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. Link

Picard, Robert (2007), ”Subsidies for Newspapers: Can the Nordic Model Remain Viable?”, in Hans Bohrmann / Elisabeth Klaus / Marcel Machill (Ed.) Media Industry, Journalism Culture and Communication Policies in Europe pp. 236-245. Link

Redvall, Eva Novrup (2013), "Introduction" in Redvall, E.N.(Ed.) Writing and Producing Television Drama in Denmark: From The Kingdom to The Killing, Palgrave Macmillan. pp 1-19. 19 pages. (Copy will be provided in Fronter.)

Scannell, Paddy (1989), "Public service broadcasting and modern public life", in Media Culture Society, vol. 11 no. 2 135-166. Link

Solum, Ove (2016) The Rise and Fall of Norwegian Municipal Cinemas, in A Companion to Nordic Cinema (eds M. Hjort and U. Lindqvist), John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ. 10 pages. Link


Further readings

Agger, Gunhild (2011), "Emotion, gender and genre: Investigating The Killing", in Northern Lights, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 111-125. 14 pages. Link

Allern, Sigurd and Mark Blach-?rsten (2011), "The News Media as a Political Institution", Journalism Studies, 12:1, 92-105. Link

Str?mb?ck, Jesper et al. (2008): Communicating Politics: Political Communication in the Nordic countries. Gothenburg: Nordicom. (In library.)

Elvestad, E. and A. Blekesaune (2008), "Newspaper Readers in Europe: A Multilevel Study of Individual and National Differences", in European Journal of Communication. Pages 425-447. Link

Hovden, Jan Fredrik, et al. (2009), ”The Nordic Journalists of Tomorrow”, Nordicom Review 30. 1. pp 149-165. Link

Humphreys, Peter (2012), "A Political Scientist's Contribution to the Comparative Study of Media System in Europe: A Response to Hallin and Mancini", in Just, Natascha and Manuel Puppis (ads.) Trends in Communication Policy Research: New Theories, Methods and Subjects, Intellect: Bristol/Chicago. (Copy will be provided in Fronter.)

Redvall, Eva Novrup (2013a), "‘Dogmas’ for television drama: The ideas of ‘one vision’, ‘double storytelling’, ‘crossover’ and ‘producer’s choice’ in drama series from the Danish public service broadcaster DR", in Journal of Popular Television, vol 1, pp. 227–234. Link

Redvall, Eva Novrup (2013b), "Television Writing and the Screen Idea System" in Redvall, E.N. Writing and Producing Television Drama in Denmark: From The Kingdom to The Killing, Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 20-36. 16 pages. (Copy will be provided in Fronter.)

Rees, Ellen (2006), ”Norwave: Norwegian Cinema 1997 - 2006", in Scandinavian – Canadian Studies, vol 19. Link

Sundholm, John et al. (2012), "Introduction", in Sundholm et al Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Cinema, Scarecrow Press. (Copy will be provided in Fronter.) 

Tybjerg, Casper (2001), Danish Cinema 1930-2000. (Published as: ”Cinema danese, 1930-2000.” In: Storia del cinema mondiale. Vol. 3: Europa: Le cinematographie nazionali, red. Gian Piero Brunetta, tomus 1, pp. 885-932. Torino: Einaudi, 2001.) (Copy will be provided in Fronter.)

?rsten, Mark (2013), "The emergence of an Increasingly Competitive News Regime in Denmark", in Kuhn, Raymond and Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis (eds.) Political Journalism in Transition: Western Europe in a Comparative Perspective, I.B. Tauris, London/New York, pp 93-110. (Copy will be provided in Fronter.)



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Published May 25, 2016 4:23 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2016 1:16 PM