MANDATORY WORKSHOP for master's studentsAttendance …

MANDATORY WORKSHOP for master's students

Attendance on a master's thesis workshop is mandatory for all master's students. The workshop’s intention is to contribute to progress in your thesis work, identify your challenges and support fellowship among the students.

Time and place: Wednesday 17 October, 11.30-14.00, room 1224, Niels Treschow’s house, Niels Henrik Abels vei 36

Bring: Your lap top our pen and paper. This is a workshop!

Lunch will be served.

Mandatory assignment before the workshopAll students must write 1/2 page on what they see as their greatest academic challenge in regards to their thesis work. These challenges must be academic (theory, methods, analysis etc). They should not be other types of problems, such as time capacity or supervisor issues. Your texts will be used in planning the workshop to adress the student’s needs, and as a basis for individual development tasks during the workshop. Your text should be submitted no later than Monday 15 October, at 14.00 in this web-based survey

Students who can not attend the workshop on 17 October Attendance is mandatory! If you are unable to attend, you must submit a progression report to no later than Monday 15 October at 14.00. The report of 1 page should explain the state of your thesis work and include a plan for completion of your project. The report must be signed by both Student and Supervisor.

NBNB! *All students who are planning to submit their master's thesis and complete their master's degree Spring 2013, must EITHER do the assignment and attend the workshop OR submit their progression report!*

The workshop will be organized each autumn semester. Part-time students may choose to attend autumn 2013.

Published Sep. 11, 2012 12:22 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:14 PM