Prepare 2-page paper for Academic Writing seminar (12th and 13th of September)

Dear all, 

You'll find all the teaching resources you need for the Academic writing seminar in Fronter (see folder "Academic writing" in Arkiv/Archive in Fronter). 

For 12th of September you need to bring 3 paper copies of a 2-page paper (see document "Writing Lab Exercise-Mevit4000-Fall2017.pdf"). You may consider this your first version of your outline for your master's thesis idea (assignment 1 in the mandatory activity), but no need to despair if you still feel completely lost in terms ideas for your thesis. You still have time to play with and try out different ideas. OK?

These are the guidelines for your 2-page sample paper (see "Writing Lab Exercise-Mevit4000-Fall2017.pdf"): 

For your sample paper, describe and defend your project. That is, you will need to

  1. give a summary / overview your project (1-2 paragraphs), with relevant elaboration of, support from and/or references to important articles, books, etc., and then
  2. argue for the project in terms of its relevance, importance, interest, and/or curiosity.

The paper will need an introduction that does the work described in the document on writing an excellent paper (see document on Fronter). Please also do your best to meet the remaining requirements in terms of mechanics and substance.




Published Sep. 7, 2017 12:22 PM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2017 12:22 PM