Literature review, MEVIT3531, spring 2017

Exam assignment 1: Literature review



Your submission should be 2-3 standard pages long, with each page at approx. 2300 characters, not including spaces. The page count does not include references, appendices, bibliography et c.

Use Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 line spacing.

Submit your assignment in Fronter by March 20, by 11:00. The submission folder closes automatically, so we recommend that you submit ahead of the final deadline.



Study the literature section in different articles in the syllabus, to get to know the conventions and genre for how authors write literature reviews for academic articles (e.g., how they refer and paraphrase literature, how they go about selecting and making their selections relevant etc.). You may also study general guidelines and advice about the genre, such as the following sources: and and

Based on the theme and research question(s) (RQs) you are working towards in the group project, select the articles / books that you will base your review on, and which will make out the previous works / literature you will review. (Visiting and seeking help at the library to find relevant works is a really smart thing to do during this phase.)

Write the literature review "as if" the 2-3 pages you write is part of an academic article. In order for a reader to evaluate the review, you will also have to write a sentence or two before the review section, where you state your theme and research questions which your literature review builds toward exploring.

Three additional requirements:

  1. If the course syllabus contains one or more works which is relevant for the topic / research question(s) you are exploring, you will have to include these in the review. However, in order to do a good review you will also have to look outside of the syllabus to find literature to review.

  2. If you prefer to write a review on a topic / RQs which lies outside of the group assignment, you may do so. But if this is the case, you will need to make sure that the theme / RQs is pertinent to the "music and media" course. If in doubt, ask Arnt.

  3. Include the full references to the literature you review after the review itself, using APA 6th style (cf. for instance The references comes in addition to the 2-3 pages of text in the review itself.

Good luck!

Published Mar. 10, 2017 3:58 PM - Last modified Mar. 10, 2017 4:11 PM