
Dear students,

Welcome to the course. Our first lecture/seminar/screening is on Oct 21. Please read chapters 1 (introduction) and 6 (on Lumière) from Stillmoving (my PhD thesis, found as a pdf under Filer on Canvas).

A tip: If you are interested, there is a screening and talk (with Joachim Trier, Renate Reinsve, Herbert Nordrum and me) Tuesday Oct 12, 1800 at Vega scene (see https://vegascene.no/incoming/article1466147.ece for tickets) of one of the films we are studying in the course: The Worst Person in the World (Trier, 2021). The talk is in Norwegian language. (I hope to arrange a subtitled screening (and perhaps English language talk) later in the semester).

See you soon!


Jon Inge

Published Oct. 8, 2021 10:50 AM - Last modified Oct. 8, 2021 10:51 AM