

Woods, Faye (2016) British Youth Television Transnational Teens, Industry, Genre London Palgrave MacMillian (147 s)

Lotz, Amanda B og Jonathan Gray (2011) Short Introductions: Television Studies 200s



Christian, Aymar Jean (2014) 'Indie TV: Innovation in Series Development.' i Media Independence: working with freedom or working for free?. James Bennett & Niki Strange, eds. New York, NY: Routledge.

Christian, Aymar Jean (2018) Open TV: Innovation Beyond Hollywood and the Rise of Web Television New York, NYU Press 2 kapitler lagt ut p? fronter

Creeber (2011) It’s not TV, it’s online drama: The return of the intimate screen i International Journal of Cultural Studies Vol 14, Issue 6, pp. 591 – 606 15s

Creeber, Glen (2006) ’Analysing Television: Issues and Methods’ in Textual i Tele-Visions An Introduction to Studying Television Glen Creeber (red) London. BFI (18 s)

Dawson, Max (2012) ’Defining Mobile Television: The Social Construction and Deconstruction of New and Old Media’ Popular Communication Vol. 10 , Iss. 4, 2012 (16s)

Dawson, Max (2007) ’Little Players, Big Shows Format, Narration, and Style on Television's New Smaller Screens’ i Convergence  Vol 13, Issue 3, pp. 231 – 250 (19s)

Driscoll, Cathrine (1999) ’Girl Culture, Revenge and Global Capitalism: Cybergirls, Riot Grrls, Spice Girls’ i Australian Feminist Studies Volume 14, 1999 - Issue 29 (20s)

Feuer, Jane (1995) Seeing Through the Eighties: Television and Reaganism Durham og London Duke University Press (kap 5) (19s)

Groening Stephen (2010) ’From ‘a box in the theater of the world’ to ‘the world as your living room’: cellular phones, television and mobile privatization’ i New Media & Society 12(8) 1331–1347 DOI: 10.1177/1461444810362094 (17s)

Jerslev, Anne (2016) Anmeldelse af den norske tv-serie Skam Forever young i Kommunikations forum (ca 4s)

Jerslev, Anne (2016) Anmeldelse af SKAM III SKAM III – en verden af f?lelser  (ca 4s)

Krüger, Steffen og Gry Rustad (2017) ’Coping with shame in a media-saturated society.

The Norwegian web-series Skam as transitional object’ i Television and New Media (forthcoming) (ca 25s)

Lysne, Anders (2016) ’On Becoming and Belonging: The Coming of Age Film in Nordic Cinema’ i Perspectives on the Nordic Perspectives on the Nordic Lothe og Larsen (red) (14s)

Magnus, Mari (2016). SKAM – n?r fiksjon og virkelighet m?tes. I Nordicom-Information (38)2: 31-38. (7s)

McNutt, Myles (2017) Putting Skam into Perspective: Narrative focus and Skam’s growing Fandom Cultural Learnings Blogpost (ca 4s)

Modleski, Taina (1982) ’In Search for Tomorrow In Today’s Soap Operas’ i Loving With a Vengance Mass-Produced Fantasies for Women New York. London: Routledge (31s)

Modleski, Taina (1983) Rythms of Reception and Daytime Televison and Women’s Work i Regarding Television: Critical Approaches an Anthology E. Ann Kaplan (red) LA. The American Film Institute (8s)

Pearson, Roberta (2010) ’Fandom in the Digital Era’ i Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture Volume 8, 2010 (12s)

Rustad, Gry (2016) ’Producing Teen Television’ Paper presentert Console-ing Passions 16.06 2016 Notre Dame Univeristy (6s)

Rustad, Gry C (2016) ’Den skammelige jentesmaken’ i Wuxia 3–4/16 (2 s)

Rustad, Gry C (2017) 'Public Service Teen Television in Norway: The case of the Skam' (6s) Presented at Console-Ing Passions, Greenville, North Carolina 2017, 28.09 2017

Rustad, Gry C (2017) 'The Norwegian Webseries Skam and “The Future of Television?”: Teens, Screens and Distributional Aesthetics' Presented at the Trans-TV conference at Westminister University, London 15.09.2017

Ryan, Marie-Laure (2004) ”Will New Media Produce New Narrative?” i Narrative Across Media: The Languages of Storytelling Marie-Laure Ryan, James Ruppert, John W. Bernet (red) U of Nebraska Press (22 s)

Schanke Sundet, Vilde (2017) ’From 'secret' online teen drama to international cult phenomenon: The global expansion of SKAM and its public service mission’ i The Scandinavian Invasion: The Nordic Noir Phenomenon and Beyond Richard McCulloch og William Proctor (red) Peter Lang (15s)'secret'_online_teen_drama_to_international_cult_phenomenon_The_global_expansion_of_SKAM_and_its_public_service_mission_forthcoming_2017


(Pensum ca 940 s)

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Publisert 1. juni 2017 10:17 - Sist endret 10. okt. 2017 17:15