Syllabus/achievement requirements
- Carruthers, Susan L. (2011) The Media at War. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Articles available in compendium
- Archetti, C. (2015) "Terrorism, Communication and the Media," in C. Kennedy-Pipe, G. Clubb and S. Mabon (eds) Terrorism and Political Violence (London: Sage), pp. 134-152. 18 pages
- Bennett, D. (2013) Digital Media and Reporting Conflict: Blogging and the BBC Coverage of War and Terrorism (Oxon: Routledge), introduction (“The Impact of Blogging on the BBC’s Coverage of War and Terrorism”). 12 pages
- Cottle, S. (2006) Mediatized Conflict (Maidenhead: Open University Press), Chapter 1 “Mediatized Conflict in the World Today”; Chapter 2 “Getting a Fix on Mediatized Conflict: Paradigms and Perspectives.” 32 pages
- Hoskins, A. (2004) Televising War: From Vietnam to Iraq (London: Continuum), especially Chapter 1 “Conflicts of Memory in a Media Age.” 12 pages
- Hoskins, A. and B. O’ Loughlin (2010) War and Media: The Emergence of Diffused War (Cambridge: Polity Press), Chapter 1. 18 pages
- Lewis, J., R. Brookes, N. Mosdell, T. Threadgold (2006) Shoot First and Ask Questions Later (Oxford: Peter Lang), Chapter 2 “The Background to Embedding.” 21 pages
- Nacos, B. (2002) Mass-Mediated Terrorism: The Central role of the Media in Terrorism and Counterterrorism (New York: Rowman & Littlefield), Chapter 1 “Mass-Mediated Terrorism in the New World (Dis)Order”. 29 pages
- Paletz, D.L. and A. P. Schmid (eds.) (1992) Terrorism and the Media: How Researchers, Terrorists, Government, Press, Public, Victims View and Use the Media (Newbury Park, CA: Sage), Chapter 2 “Researchers’ Perspectives”. 22 pages
- Rushton, R. (2011) The Reality of Film: Theories of Filmic Reality (Manchester: Manchester University Press), pp. 1-19 (“Introduction: On the reality of film”).
- Stahl, R. (2009) Militainment Inc.: War, Media and Popular Culture (Oxon: Routledge), especially Introduction (“Step Right Up!”) and Chapter 1(“All Consuming War: From Spectacle to Interactivity). 47 pages
- Storey J. (2012) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction (London: Pearson), pp. 1-15
- Strobel, W. P. (1997) Late-Breaking Foreign Policy: The News Media’s Influence on Peace Operations (Washington, DC: USIP), especially Chapter 2 “Driving Fast Without a Road Map: The News Media and foreign Policy Today”. 34 pages
- Taylor, P.M. (1993) War and the Media: Propaganda and Persuasion in the Gulf War (Manchester: Manchester University Press), “Introduction: Image and Reality in the Gulf War.” 30 pages
Taylor, P. (1997) Global Communications, International Affairs and the Media since 1945 (London: Routledge), Chapter 3 “Illusions of Reality: The Media and the Reporting of Warfare”; and Chapter 4 “Mind Games: Information Warfare and Psychological Operations”. 80 pages (Removed from the syllabus)
- Taylor, P.M. (1995) Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day (Manchester: Manchester University Press), “Introduction: Looking Through a Glass Onion.” 16 pages
Further recommended reading
- Archetti, C. (2015) “"Terrorism, Communication and New Media: Explaining Radicalization in the Digital Age," Perspectives on Terrorism 9(1): 49-59, 10 pages
- Bell, M. (2008) “The Death of News”, Media War and Conflict 1(2): 221-231, 10 pages
- Clerwall, C. 2014. “Enter the Robot Journalist: Users’ Perceptions of Automated Content,” Journalism 8 (5): 519–531, 22 pages
- Gilboa, E. (2005) “Global Television News and Foreign Policy: Debating the CNN Effect”, International Studies Perspectives 6(3): 325-341, 16 pages
- Hallin, D. C. (1984) “The Media, the War in Vietnam, and Political Support: A Critique of the Thesis of an Oppositional Media”, The Journal of Politics 46(1): 2-24, “The Media, the War in Vietnam, and Political Support: A Critique of the Thesis of an Oppositional Media”, The Journal of Politics, 22 pages
- Robinson, P. (2002) “The CNN Effect: Can the News Media Drive Foreign Policy?”, Review of International Studies 25(2): 301-309, “The CNN Effect: Can the New Media Drive Foreign Policy?”, Review of International Studies, 8 pages
- Sauer, F. and N. Schoernig (2012) “Killer Drones: The 'Silver Bullet' of Democratic Warfare?” Security Dialogue 43(4): 363-380, 23 pages
- Singer, P. W. (2009) “Robots at War: The New Battlefield,” Wilson Quarterly 33(1): 30-48, 18 pages
- van Dalen, A. (2012) “The Algorithms Behind the Headlines: How Machine-Written News Redefines the Core Skills of Human Journalists,” Journalism Practice 6(5-6): 648-658, 10 pages
Published Oct. 30, 2018 9:50 AM
- Last modified Feb. 15, 2019 10:58 AM
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