Reading list


Enli, Gunn (2015): Mediated Authenticity: How the Media Construct Reality. (New York, Peter Lang). 170 pages.

Freedman, Des (2008): The Politics of Media Policy. (Cambridge, Polity Press) 250 pages. 

Ormrod, Robert et al (2013): Political Marketing: Theory and Concepts. (London, Sage). 200 pages.



Arsenault, Amelia and Manuel Castells (2008): Switching Power: Rupert Murdock and the Global Business of Media Politics: A Sociological Analysis.

Bulck, Hilde van den and Karen Donders (2014):  Analyzing European media policy: Stakeholders and advocacy coalitions published in The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy

Donders, Karen and Tim Raats (2012): Analysing national practices after European state aid control: are multi-stakeholder negotiations beneficial for public service broadcasting?

Doyle, Gillian (2013): Private Television in the United Kingdom: A story of Ownership Integration, published in 'Private Television in Western Europe'

Enli, Gunn and Trine Syvertsen (2016): The End of Television? Again! 


Enli, Gunn et al. (2013): From Fear of Television to Fear for Television

Gibson, Rachel K. Gibson (2009) NEW MEDIA AND THE REVITALISATION OF POLITICS, Representation, 45:3, 289-299,  

Iosifidis, Petros (2014): Pluralism, Media Mergers and European Merger Control published in The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy

Kreiss, Daniel and Christopher Jasinski (2016): The Tech Industry Meets Presidential Politics 




D'Arma, Alessandro (2015) Media and Politics in Contemporary Italy: From Berlusconi to Grillo. Lexington Books, Lanham/Boulder. 170 pages.

Colombo, Fausto (2010) (ed): A Trivial Country. Essays on Media and Politics in Italy. (Milano, V &P). 90 pages.

Enli, Gunn and Hallvard Moe (2013/2015) (eds): Social Media and Election Campaigns. Key Tendencies and Ways forward. (London and New York, Routledge).  195 pages

Parry-Giles, Shawn J (2014): Hillary Clinton in the news. Gender and Authenticity in American Politics (Urbana, Chicago and Springfield, University of Illinois Press) 250 pages.

Published May 19, 2016 3:10 PM - Last modified Aug. 22, 2016 10:27 AM