(A few of these books only include a chapter or two of required reading so it may be wise to seek them out at the library.)
Book chapters, reports and articles (available online)
*Cox, Howard and Mowatt, Simon (2008), ‘Technological change and forms of innovation in consumer magazine publishing’, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 20 (4): 503-520.
*Doyle, Gillian (2012), Audiovisual Services: International Trade and Cultural Policy. ADBI Working Paper 355. Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
*Doyle, Gillian (2014), Re-invention and Survival: Newspapers in the era of digital multiplatform delivery, Journal of Media Business Studies, 10 (4).
*Evans, David (2009), The Online Advertising Industry: Economics, Evolution, and Privacy, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(3): 37–60.
*Graham, David (2010), Global player of Subsidy Junkie? Decision Time for BBC, Adam Smith Inst.
*Krumsvik, Arne (2012). Why old media will be funding journalism in the future, Journalism Studies, 13 (5-6): 729-741.
*Picard, Robert (2011), Mapping Digital Media: Digitization and Media Business Models, London: Open Society Foundation
*WTO (2010), Audiovisual Services, Background Note by Secretariat, WTO, 12 Jan S/C/W/310.
For Reference -
CEC (2007), The Audiovisual Media Services (‘AVMS’) Directive (EC Directive 2007/65/ EC)
OFCOM (2013), Communications Market Report 2013, August 2013.