1. Lecture: Introduction. Advertising and the Media Economy

Issues and readings

Why does advertising take place? What factors influence the amount of advertising activity in an economy? Why do levels of advertising activity vary from one country to another, and over time? Is advertising a beneficial or a harmful economic force?

Background reading:

Doyle, Gillian (2002), Understanding Media Economics, Sage Publications: Chaps 1 & 3.

Obligatory reading:

Philip Napoli (2001), ‘The Audience Product and the New Media Environment: Implications for the Economics of Media Industries’, International Journal on Media Management, 3 (2), 66-73.

Picard, Robert (2002), The Economics and Financing of Media Companies, Chaps 4 and 6.

Hoskins, Colin, McFadyen, Stuart & Finn, Adam (2004), Media Economics: Applying Economics to New and Traditional Media, Sage: Chap 11 on ‘Advertising’, 247-260.

Recommended reading:

Gustafsson, K. E. (2006), ‘Advertising and the Development of media: The Forgotten Connection’, Journal of Media Business Studies, 3(1): 19-31

Reekie, Duncan W (1981), The Economics of Advertising, MacMillan.

Schmalensee, Richard (1972), Economics of Advertising, North-Holland.


Published Nov. 22, 2007 4:37 PM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2007 4:42 PM