Lecture 7: Web and mobile media

Issues and readings

What’s new about new media? What are the implications of a network economy? What challenges do web and mobile services providers face? And which strategies do they choose? How may we expect the market structures to develop?

Background readings:

Doyle, Gillian (2002) Understanding media economics, London: Sage. (Chapter 8)

Obligatory readings:

Anderson, Chris (2006) The Long Tail. How Endless Choice is Creating Unlimited Demand, London: Random House Business Books (Chapter 1)

Shapiro, Carl and Hal R Varian (1999) Information Rules. A Strategic guide to the Network Economy, Boston: Harvard Business School Press. (Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5)

Recommended readings:

Anderson, Chris (2006) The Long Tail. How Endless Choice is Creating Unlimited Demand, London: Random House Business Books

Shapiro, Carl and Hal R Varian (1999) Information Rules. A Strategic guide to the Network Economy, Boston: Harvard Business School Press. (Chapter 8)

Storsul, Tanja and P?l S?rgaard (2006) US Mobile Operators and their Content Services , R&D Research Note, Telenor: R&D N 12/2006

Published Dec. 6, 2006 3:08 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2006 4:15 PM