Overview 2008 ? Media and Globalisation MEVIT 3220/4220
Overview of Lectures and Seminars (download)Reading Week by Week (download) LECTURESWednesdays 10.15–12.0027 August: Knut Lundby Introduction, overview, mediagraphies.Afternoon: Social gathering.3 September: Knut Lundby The Olympics as a mediated global event.10 September: Knut Lundby Media: Myth or maker of globalisation?17 September: Knut Lundby Cultural industries.Week 39 (No lecture) (No seminar)1 October: Hilde Bachmann Global TV-formats.8 October: Dag Asbj?rnsen Film from South vs. Hollywood.15 October: Knut Lundby Networks for dominance and protest.22 October: 10.15-12: Gillian Doyle Internationalisation of media: Economics and ownership.13.15-15 (in Helga Eng's House, Aud. 1): Raymond Boyle Global sports content in the digital age.29 October: Knut Lundby Globalisation, media policy and regulation.5 November: Knut Lundby Political economy vs. cultural studies.Week 46 (No lecture)19 November: Elisabeth Eide Transnational media events. The caricature controversy and an imagined clash of civilizations.26 November: Knut Lundby Theories of (media and) globalisation.3 December: Knut Lundby Summing up.SEMINARSSeminar 1: Fridays 10.15–12.00Seminar 2: Fridays 14.15-16.00EXAMHome exam 8-11 Dec28 August 2008/KLUndervisningsplan
Published June 24, 2008 1:59 PM
- Last modified Aug. 28, 2008 8:53 PM