More On Films IMK has …
More On Films
IMK has generously agreed to sponsor tickets for you to the Films From the South festival. This applies to the one film which you will see in relation to the seminar (see post below and referr to information from the seminar this and last Friday) as well as Shock Waves, which will tie nicely into the Voice of Tibet excursion.
IMK can only refund ticket costs, so make sure you keep your ticket stub and/or any other receipts. If you are unable to purchase your own ticket, please email me at mats.silberg@gmail and I will make the neccesary arrangements for your group. I would also like for one student on each group to email me the names of the people on your group and which of the two seminars on Friday you'll attend.
The ticket reservation phone number is 820 50 001. Tell them you are a student group and you will receive a rebate on the tickets.