Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
24.08.2006Knut Lundby? 205? Introduction, overview? ?
31.08.2006Guest lectures 1-2: Liesbet v. Zoonen? 205? Tuesday: Big Brother? NB! 12.00 to 13.45?
31.08.2006Guest lectures 1-2: Liesbet v. Zoonen? 205? Americanization of politics? 14.15 to 16.00?
07.09.2006Sarah Chiumbu? 205? Comparative perspective 1, Political economy? ?
14.09.2006Knut Lundby? 205? Comparative perspective 2, Cultural studies? ?
21.09.2006No lecture? No lecture? No lecture? No lecture?
28.09.2006Knut Lundby? 205? Theoretical approach 1, Structuration theory? ?
05.10.2006Guest lectures 3: Dag Asbj?rnsen? 205? Film from South vs. Hollywood? ??
12.10.2006Knut Lundby? 205? Theoretical approach 2, Network society theory? ?
19.10.2006Sarah Chiumbu ? 205? Theoretical approach 3, Information society? ?
26.10.2006Knut Lundby ? 205? Case, The cartoon conflict? ?
02.11.2006Guest lectures 4: Tore Slaatta? 205? European public space and the media? ??
09.11.2006Knut Lundby? 205? Theoretical approach 4, Time/space disjuncture? ?
16.11.2006No lecture? No lecture? No lecture? No lecture?
23.11.2006Sarah Chiumbu? 205? Theoretical approach 5, Global flows? ?
30.11.2006Knut Lundby? 205? Summing up? ?
Published June 28, 2006 2:46 PM - Last modified June 29, 2006 4:55 PM