Semester page for MEVIT3220 - Autumn 2005

The final results of the exam will be made available at IMK on the 6th of January. It might be yet another week before you find your results on the student web.

Dec. 19, 2005 6:57 PM

Some of us would like to meet as many as possible at the University Pub at Fredrikke after the submission of your papers, at Monday 5th at 1900. Good luck with the papers....

Nov. 30, 2005 5:07 PM

Excursion to the news department at NRK will be on Tuesday 18th of October, at 1130. We will get a lecture and a view into their organisation and editorial fascilities. Suggest we meet outside IMK at 1100 and walk down together. Then on 31st October we are invited to Schibsted in Akersgata/Apotekergata, at 1415. Please inform you seminar leaders that you plan to come.

Oct. 12, 2005 5:27 PM