
Lash, Scott og Celia, Lury: Global Culture Industry, 2007. Polity Press. ISBN:?978-07456-2482-2. Kapittel 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 og 9.

Klingmann, Anna: Brandscapes, 2007. The MIT Press: Cambridge. ISBN:?978-0-262-11303-8. Kapittel 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

Gibbons, Joan: Art and Advertising, 2005. I.B. Tauris. London. ISBN:?1-85043-585-5.

Hebdige, Dick: Subculture, 1979. Rotledge: London. ISBN:?0-415-03949-5.

Williamson, Judith: Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning in Advertising, 2002. Marion Boyars: London. ISBN:?0-7145-2615-0. 179 sider.

Bechmann Petersen, Anja: "Realizing cross media" i Storsul, Tanja. and Stuedahl, Dagny (Red.): Amibalence towards convergence: Digitalization and media change, 2007. Nordicom: G?teborg. ISBN:?978-91-89471-50-4. s 57-71. (14 s). .

Hjarvard, Stig: "From Bricks to bytes: The mediatization of a global toy industry" i Bondebjerg, Ib og Golding, Peter (Red.).: European culture and the media. Changing Media and changing Europe, 2004. Intellect Books: Bristol. ISBN:?9781841501116. Side 43-63. (20 s)..

Anbefalt litteratur

Annen anbefalt litteratur vil bli lagt til underveis i semesteret

Klein, Naomi: No Logo, 2000. Picador: New York. ISBN:?978-0-312-42143-5.

Publisert 9. jan. 2009 16:31 - Sist endret 12. jan. 2009 12:46