
Aarseth, Espen (forthcoming): “A narrative theory of Games” , (deles ut senere i semesteret).


Abbott, H Porter : "The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative", 2008. Cambridge UP (Second Edition) . Ch. 1-3, 5-7, 9, 10, 12.

Howard, Jeff: "Quests: Design, Theory and History in Games and Narratives" , 2008. A.K. Peters.

I kompendium

Aarseth, Espen: "Cybertext: perspectives on Ergodic Literature", 1997. Baltimore and London: JHUP. Kun kap. 5 og 6. .

Aarseth, Espen : “The culture and business of crossmedia productions”, 2006. in Popular Communication, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 203-211 .

“From Hunt the Wumpus to EverQuest: Introduction to Quest Theory” in Proceedings, Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2005: 4th International Conference, Sanda, Japan, September 19-21, 2005. Lecture Notes, 2005. in Computer Science, Springer 2005, pp 496-506.

Fullerton, Tracy: ”Documentary Games: Putting the Player in the Path of History” in Whalen and Taylor: Playing with the Past: History and Nostalgia in Videogames, 2008. Vanderblit UP, pp 215-238.

Ryan, Marie-Laure: Avatars of Story, 2006. Chapter 8 (181-203).

Artikler p? nett

Aarseth, Espen: "Cybertext: perspectives on Ergodic Literature" , 1997. Baltimore and London: JHUP. kap. 1. Artikkelen finnes hos

Eskelinen, Markku: ”The Gaming Situation”, 2001. Artikkelen finnes hos

Frasca, Gonzalo: ” Ludology meets Narratology: Similitude and differences between (video)games and narrative”, 1999. Artikkelen finnes hos

Fuller, Mary and Henry Jenkins: "Nintendo? and New World Travel Writing: A Dialogue” , 1995. Artikkelen finnes hos Ninento.

Jenkins, Henry : ”Game Design as Narrative Architecture”, 2004. (incl. discussion) . Artikkelen finnes hos

Juul, Jesper: ”Games Telling Stories” , 2001. Artikkelen finnes hos

Mateas, Michael and Andrew Stern: "Build It to Understand It: Ludology Meets Narratology in Game Design Space” , 2005. Paper presented at DIGRA 2005. Artikkelen finnes hos

Publisert 11. mai 2010 09:43 - Sist endret 31. aug. 2010 13:49