
Fagansvarlig: Tore Slaatta

1. Storey, John (2006 eller 2008) (4. eller 5. utgave) Cultural theory and popular culture. An introduction. London: Pearson Education Limited (185s)

2. Selvvalgt litteratur (minst 200 sider).En liste over anbefalt, selvvalgt pensum vil bli gjort tilgjengelig. Selvvalgt litteratur som ikke st?r p? denne listen, m? godkjennes av fagansvarlig.

3. Kompendium (tilsammen 366 sider)

Bennett, Tony (1986) "Popular Culture and the "turn to Gramsci", i Bennett, Mercer and Woollacott, (eds) Popular Culture and Social Relations. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, reprint fra ) Storey, John (ed) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture. A Reader. London: Pearson Education Limited, ss 92-99 (7s)

Marx, Karl (1846) "Fra den tyske ideologi", Verker i utvalg 2, (utgave fra 1981), Oslo: Pax, s.56 - 92 (47s) Benjamin, Walter (1935/1975) "Kunstverket i reproduksjonens tidsalder", i Kunstverket i reproduksjonens tidsalder, Oslo: Gyldendal ss 35-64 (29s)

Freud, Sigmund (1942/1994) Dr?mmetydning. Oslo: Cappelen, ss. 183-209 (26s) Mulvey, Laura (1975/1999) "Visuell nytelse og narrativ film", i Fossheim, Hallvard (1999) Filmteori. Oslo: Pax Forlag ss-169-183 (14s)

Barthes, Roland (1957/73) "Myth today" i Mythologies. London: Paladin, ss. 109-159 (50s)

Wright, Will (1975) "The Structure of Myth & the Structure of the Western Film" i Sixguns and Society. Berkeley: University of California Press, reprint fra Storey, John (ed) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture. A Reader. London: Pearson Education Limited, ss. 503-517, (14s)

Radway, Janice (1984) Reading the Romance. Women, Patriarchy and Popular Literature. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, "Introduction" og "Conclusion", ss. 3-18 og ss. 209-222 (15 + 13 = 28s)

Jameson, Frederic (1998) "Postmodernism and Consumer Society" i The Cultural Turn. London: Verso, s.1-20 (20s)

Harvey, David (1990) "Postmodernity in the City: architecture and urban design", i The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford: Blackwell, ss. 66-98 (32s)

McCuigan, Jim (1996) "The Question of Value", i Culture and The Public Sphere. London: Routledge ss. 30 - 50 (20s)

Bourdieu, Pierre (1979/1995) Distinksjonen. En soiologisk kritikk av d?mmekraften. Oslo: Pax Forlag, ss. 73 - 103 (30s)

Castells, Manuel (2001) "Chapter 2: The Culture of the Internet" i The Internet Galaxy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ss 36-63 (27s)

Deuze, Mark (2006) "Participation, Remediation, Bricolage: Considering Principal Components of a Digital Culture", i The Information Society, 22: 63-75, 2006

Publisert 23. okt. 2008 15:04 - Sist endret 9. des. 2008 14:53