Questions from Huyssen: After the great divide

Answer one of the questions, 1-2 pages, and bring 4 copies for the next seminar.

  1. According to Huyssen, what are the characteristics of postmodernism, as opposed to modernism?
  2. Compare and discuss the role of the avantgarde movements in their project of breaking down the great divide.
  3. Explain the following quote according to Huyssens perspectives on history. Pop seemed to liberate high art from the isolation in which it had been kept in the bourgeois society. Art's distance from the rest of the world and the rest of experience was to be eliminated(p.143).
  4. Explain how Walter Benjamins article on reproduction is relevant from Huyssens point of view on pop art?
  5. According to Huyssen, how can the dichotomy of masculine/feminine be an illustration of the great divide?
  6. Find a fairly well known piece of art you think is postmodernistic (a picture, a sculpture, a movie etc), and try in a few words to explain how this piece can be considered high cultural, yet including popular cultural conventions.
  7. Why did the avant-garde find it necessary to reunite art and reality?
  8. What is "the great divide", according to Huyssen?