Questions from Bourdieu: Distinction: A social critique of the judgement of taste

Answer one of the questions in a text, 1-2 pages, and bring 4 copies for the next seminar.

  1. What roles do the concept of capital play in Bourdieu's theory?
  2. According to Bourdieu, what is meant by 'habitus' and why is it so significant in determining distinctions?
  3. Draw a freehand version of a sociometric map like the ones that Bourdieu uses. Define the theoretical characteristics of the main positions in the map using the concepts of cultural and economic capital.
  4. Chose a social group/class you know fairly well. Is it possible to imagine how this group is divided by social and cultural distinctions? Suggest some main opposition within the social group and some characteristics that define the group from the outside.
  5. What is Bourdieu's theory and method building on, in terms of empirical data?
  6. In what ways can taste be said to be a classificatory factor?
  7. What does Bourdieu say about aesthetic judgment?