Exam spring 2014
The exam question for the take home exam will be published on this page monday june 2nd at 10:00.
The paper must be submitted no later than 14:00 thursday june 5th in a folder in Fronter specified for this.
Your paper must be market with candidate number (which will be available in student web), code and name of the course, and semster.
The name of the file you upload in Fronter (preferably in pdf) should be your candiate number.
Also remember to upload obligatory statement concearning cheating in folder specified for this before the deadline.
Important information regarding exams at IMK
The paper may be written in English or Scandinavian Languages.
Good Luck!
Publisert 15. mai 2014 10:22
- Sist endret 26. mai 2014 10:24