
Published Dec. 22, 2016 1:10 PM

To those of you who've requested an explanation for your grade:

Due to illness your explanation won't be sent out untill the 2nd week of January. The dealine to appeal your grade will be extended.

Sorry for the inconvenience,



Published Nov. 3, 2016 10:05 AM

The exam will be published on this page Monday November 14 at 11:00. The deadline is Thursday November 17 at 11:00.

You are to submit your exam both electronically and in person:

  • two (2) copies of the exam are to be submitted in person Thursday November 17 between 10:00 and 11:00 at the reception area of the Department (IMK).
  • one (1) copy of the exam is to be submitted in Fronter. The room will close Thursday November 17 at 11:00.

Read this website before you start writing your exam:

Instructions concerning exam submissions at IMK

When you hand in your exam in Fronter, remember to write down your candidate number on your exam, and not your name. Your candidate number will be published in your student web.

The file you upload into Fronter should be named as your candidate number (xxxxxx.pdf...