Film production: general information

You will form groups, and each group will make a three-minute film in accordance with the Dogme 95 wow of chastity.This means, e.g., that the camera will be hand-held, actors will use their own clothes, there will be no extra lighting, only props present at the location can be used, and there will be no extradiegetic music.

Making a film will give you an opportunity to work hands-on with all aspects of audiovisual storytelling. You will practice film studies vocabulary, and  your close connection with all the small decisions that need to be made will make you remember the theory better. Your goal is not a professional-looking production, but to practice what you learn in the course. The finished film must be approved by a teacher before you can take the exam in MEVIT1110.

We will give you the beginning of the story in the first seminar, and then it is up to you to write the rest.

Form groups of minimum six, maximum eight people (this is best done in the first seminar). Each group should have both women and men, and assign the roles listed in "Team roles". You will work on the films and get supervision in the seminars, but most of the work will be done outside the classroom.

It is likely that every group already has a camera it can use. A modern smartphone is more than good enough. If you do not have a camera, contact us. We also assume most groups will do the editing on one of the team members’ computer, tablet or mobile phone. If none of you have any editing software, you can use a computer in the Department of media and communication.


  • 11 September : Treatment due
  • 25 September: Pre-production finished: Shooting script, storyboard, and production plan due
  • 2 October: Production finished


  • 9 October:  finished film due.

Direct questions to, or schedule a supervision session on

By Anders Fagerjord
Published Aug. 20, 2015 9:47 AM - Last modified Aug. 22, 2015 1:39 PM