Take home exam 16. - 19. December.

The exam questions will be published on the Autumn 2013 semester's page at 10:00 Monday December 16.

Submission between 12.00 and 14.00 at the IMK expedition.

You must submiot three (3) copies of your exam and one (1) obligatory statement concerning cheating.

Please include coursecodee, coursename and your candidatenumber easily readable on the front page of your exam.

Your candidate number is published in Studentweb.

Gry Rustad will answer questions regarding the exam questions December 16. at 10.30 room 205 at IMK.

Please read this following well before you print your exam.


Good luck!

Published Dec. 12, 2013 10:07 AM - Last modified Dec. 12, 2013 5:11 PM