Dear Students! The end of …

Dear Students! The end of our course is near. Before we meet for the last time I’d like to give you some tips that should be helpful in preparing to the exam. After visiting seminar groups I have no doubt that you manage really great with expressing your thoughts in English, nevertheless, during examination you will have to present your skills in written language so I decided to upload some aids that may be of assistance in academic writing.

This time there will be no task that involves you in formulating your own research problem, but still you must organize the essay clearly and properly. Most probably you shall use a descriptive design, but chosen elements of “compare”, “contrast” or “to what extent” formula may be also applied if you consider it appropriate to present your analytical perspective.

There are other tips and comments on the examination as well as aids to language training in two separate files below.

Tips and comments on exam

Language training

Published Dec. 1, 2011 9:08 PM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2011 3:40 PM