
Lectures and work groups

Date – Lecture/Work group – Reading

OCT 8 Lecture 1: Introduction/Form

OCT 13 Work group 1: Bordwell/Thompson (p. 56-77)

OCT 20 Work group 2: B/T (p. 78-117) Group work handed out

OCT 22 Lecture 2: Classical narratives in film and television

OCT 27 Work group 3: Barthes and Branigan

NOV 3 Work group 4 Group presentations

NOV 5 Lecture 3: Computer games (Espen Aarseth)

NOV 10 Work group 5: Group presentations

NOV 12 Lecture 4: New narratives in film and television

NOV 17 Work group 6: Bordwell

NOV 19 Lecture 5: Classical styles in film and television

NOV 24 Work group 7: Eisenstein, Bazin and Sontag

NOV 26 Lecture 6: New styles in film and television

DEC 4 and 5 Lecture 7: Audiovisual Aesthetics seminar

DEC 8 Work group 8: Exam practice

Published Oct. 15, 2010 12:30 PM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2010 12:32 PM