
Pensum, Alternativ film

(anbefalt intoduksjonsbok: Lars Thomas Braaten m.fl: Introduksjon til film, historie teori, analyse, Ad Notam 2000)

Bordwell, David, Janet Staiger og Kristin Thompson (1985): The Classical Hollywood Cinema, Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960. Routledge. Del 1 og 3 (ca. 160 s.)

Thompson Kristin : Storytelling in the New Hollywood, s 1- 50. Harvard Univ. Press, Camebridge, 1999. (50 s.)

Wollen, Peter (1985) "Godard and Counter Cinema: Vent d'Est", i Bill Nichols (red) Movies and Methods, Vol. II, University of California Press. (s.500-508) (8s)

Brooks, Peter The Melodramatic Imagination, Yale Univ. Press. (1995) s. 1 - 109.

Waldekranz, Rune "S? f?ddes filmen" (utdrag ca 50 s. til utdeling)

Elsaesser, Thomas: "Tales of Sound and Fury" i Home is where the heart is, BFI Publishing ( 27 s.)

De Cordova, Richard ?Class and Generational Difference in Three Family Melodramas? i Gledhil, Christine (1987) Home is where the heart is, BFI Publishing

Gledhill, Christine: "The melodramatic Field" i Home is where the heart is, BFI Publishing (35 s)

Gledhill, Christine "Rethinking genre" i Gledhil / Williams Reinventing Film Studies Arnold, London (2000), (23 s.)

Gledhill, Christine & Linda Williams Reinventing Film studies Part 5. (kap. 20, 21, 22, 23) (75.s)

Neal, Steve "Melodrama and the Woman`s Film" i Genre and Hollywood, Routledge, London (2000), s. 179-204 (25 s)

Neal , Steve "Melo Talks - on the meaning and use of the term ?Melodrama? in the American trade press" i The Velvet Light Trap no 32, 1993, 24 s.

Williams, Linda: "Film bodies: Gender, genre and exess i Film Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 4, 1991, 12 s

Williams, Linda: "Melodrama Revised" i Nick Brown Refiguring American Fikm Genres, Univ. of California Press, 1998 (50 s).

Fell John"Melodrama, the movies, and genre" i New York Literary Forum vol. 7, 1980, 9 s.

Naremore James "Modernism and Blood melodrama" i Something More Then Night, Univ. of Califonia Press (1998), s. 40-96 (56 s.)

Lang, Robert American Film Melodrama, Princton Univ Press (1989) Part 1 (s. 1 ? 55)

Hake, Sabine ?The melodramatic imagination in Detlef Sirk: Final Chord and its Resonance? i Screen 38:2 s 129 ? 148. (19 s.)

Vijay Mishra Bollywood Cinema, Temples of Desire, Routledge 2002, New York. (270 s)

Mulvey, Laura ?It will be a Magnificient Obsession, The Melodrama`s Role in the Development of Contemporary Film Theory? i Jacky Bratton m.fl 1994: Melodrama, Stage Picture Screen, Bfi, London.

Kerr, Dave: ?The new male melodrama? i American film vol 8. April 1983.

Williams, Linda. Playing the Race Card. Melodramas of Black and White from Uncle Tom to O.J. Simpson. S. 1 ? 45. Princeton Univ. Press 2001. Princeton.

Münsterberg, Hugo (2002 / 1916) The Photoplay: A Psychological Study? kap 6 ?Emotions? s. 99 ? 108. (9.s)

Dissanayaka, Wimal 1993 Melodrama and Asian Cinema Cambridge Univ. Press: Kap. 1 Introduction, ( 9 s) Kap 4, Rothman, William: ?The Godess: Reflections on melodrama East and West? (14 s) Kap. 6 Yoshimoto, Mitshuhiro, ?Melodrama, postmodernism and Japanese cinema? (26 s.)

Kap 8 Russell, Cathrine ?Innsides and outsides: Cross Cultural criticism and Japanese film melodrama (12. s)

Kap. 11 Dissanayake, Wimal ?The concepts of evil and social order in Indian melodrama: An evolving dialectic. (17 s.)


Publisert 7. mars 2005 00:33