Allern, Sigurd (2001). Flokkdyr p? L?vebakken. S?kelys p? Stortingets presselosje og politikkens medierammer. Oslo: Pax. 311 s.
Cook, Timothy (1998). Governing with the News. The News Media as a Political Institution. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press (kap. 1, 4, 5, 8). 105 s.
Jensen, Anders T. & Toril Aalberg (2007): Den medialiserte politikken. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (Kap. 1,2, 4, 8, 11). 137 s.
Aardal, Bernt, Anne Krogstad & Hanne Marthe Narud (2004). I valgkampens hete. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (Kap. 1, 6-10 og 16). 145 s.
Allern, Sigurd (2007). From Party Press to Independent Observers? An analysis of Election Campaigns Coverage Prior to the General Elections of 1981 and 2005 in two Norwegian Newspapers. In Nordicom Review, Jubilee Issue, pp. 63-79. 16 s.
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Allern, Sigurd & Mark Blach-?rsten (2010). The News Media as a Political Institution: A Scandinavian Perspective. In Journalism Studies, 2010, iFirst Article, 1-4. 11 s.
Allern, Sigurd (forthcoming): PR, Politics and Democracy. In Central European Journal of Communication, Vol 4, No 1 (6), Spring 2011. 16 s
Coleman, Stephen (2000). Meaningful Political Debate in the Age of the Soundbite. In Coleman, Stephen (ed.). Televised Election Debates. International Perspectives. 23 s
Hjarvard, Stig (1999): Politik som mediemontage. Om mediernes forandring af den politiske kommunikation. I Den demokratiske udfordring. K?benhavn: Magtutredningen. 10 s
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