
Published Nov. 3, 2010 5:08 PM

Information regarding take home exam submission: The take home exam in JOUR4330 must be submitted in Fronter. The deadline is Nov 11th at 2:00 pm.

Useful information concerning submission of exams at IMK and Fronter.

Good luck!

Published Oct. 20, 2010 3:28 PM

"Freedom of Expression in an era of "multicultal" conflicts."

As the last class this term of the course "Freedom of expression – discourses, principles and practices" IMK. Jour 4330

Arne Ruth previous Fritt Ord Professor in the department and the Iranian exile writer Haideh Ruth Daragahi will introduce the discussion on

"Freedom of Expression in an era of "multicultal" conflicts."

Wednesday October 27. 13.15 – 16.00. Room 207. 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken,

Published Sep. 16, 2010 2:50 PM

The last class of the course will consist of a discussion with Arne Ruth og Haideh Ruth Daragahi on Freedom pf Expression and Cultural Wars. It will be from 13.15 – 16.00

Arne Ruth has been the editor of Chief of the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. He was Fritt Ord professor of Journalism and Freedom of Expression at IMK, Haideh Ruth Daragahi is an Iranian author in exile in Sweden.

Published Sep. 1, 2010 11:34 AM

Welcome to the first seminar in JOUR 4330, Friday 3 Sept, 14.15-16.00 in room 208. PROGRAM: <1> Presentation. <2> How the seminars will be organized. Select your presentation. <3> Discussion: “Free speech versus censoring of pornography”. Readings: Warburton, in particular chapter 4.

Published Aug. 30, 2010 3:11 PM

The dates for the seminars in JOUR4330 are: 3. sept, 10. sept, 17. sept, 24. sept, 1. okt, 15. okt og 22. okt. The seminars will be led by PhD-candidate Jens Barland.

Published Aug. 26, 2010 3:55 PM


Published Aug. 20, 2010 1:13 PM

24.08: Teaching plan (Jour 4330) Freedom of Expression – Autumn 2010

August 25. Freedom of Expression in a principled perspective – An Introduction Literature: The Report of the Freedom of Expression Commission; Warburton.

September 1 A History of Freedom of Expression. Literature: Winston. Zenco-Zencovich

September 8. No Class

September 15. Legal issues. Literature: Kierulf and R?nning p. 53 – 93. Lipschulz

September 22. Freedom of Expression in Relation to Other Human and Civil Rights Literature: Kierulf and R?nning: p. 9 – 49

September 29. Freedom of Expression and different Media Literature: Lipschulz, Zeno-Zencovich

October 6. No class

October 13. No class

October 20. Media Ethics and Freedom of Expression

October 27. NB from 13.15 - 16. Arne Ruth og Haideh Ruth Daragahi on Freedom pf Expression and Cultural Wars. Literature Kierulf and R?nning p. 105 – 151