
Publisert 3. des. 2014 08:16

Dear students in MEVIT4000 and JOUR4000

The deadline for submitting the portfolio in MEVIT4000 and JOUR4000 is Thursday 4th of December at 14.00.

The portfolio is to be submitted in Fronter along with an obligatory statement concerning cheating.

The portfolio is to be called your candidate number (such as xxxxxx.pdf or xxxxxx.doc). It's important that you download the file in a recognizable format, and we recommend that you use pdf.

On the front page it is important that you write down your candidate number AND your name.

Please read the instructions regarding exams at IMK.

Good Luck!

Publisert 14. juli 2014 14:05

Kj?re studenter!


Forelesningene i JOUR4000 vil g? sammen med MEVIT4000. Her finner dere forelesningstidspunktene for JOUR4000/MEVIT4000.

Denne siden blir ikke oppdatert videre, f?lg med p? sidene for MEVIT4000

Emneansvarlig legger ut beskjeder her.