
Published Apr. 12, 2007 11:47 AM

Extra lecture April 12

A last and extratordinary lecture before the take home exam next week takes place today, 16.15-18.00. I will be common for BA/master students, however it is also highly relevant for the BA level.

Published Mar. 22, 2007 2:22 PM

29 March 2007 - The Dilemmas of Documentary Film Making

The ORDINARY lecture on 29 March is postponed to April 12. However, on March 29 all students are invited to a meeting at Fritt Ord /The Free Speech Foundation, Uranienborgveien 2 (5.00-6.30 p.m.):

Petr Lom, philosopher and documentary filmmaker, USA, will give a lecture.

Petr Lom has directed the documentary "On a Tightrope", which is about to be screened at Norwegian cinemas. The film, produced by a Norwegian film company, is about four orphans in the "closed" Xinjiang Province of China. The children are being taught line dancing, an art form with long traditions among the Uigurs, a Muslim minority. This is the first Norwegian documentary film selected to compete in the Sundance Film Festival.

Lom will talk about the dilemmas that arise when making a film in an area where no one is allowed to talk to foreigners about politics or religion...

Published Mar. 16, 2007 12:27 PM

Information on exam submission at IMK

? The candidate / student number is published on student web approx. 2 weeks ahead of exam. If you experience problems with your candidate number, please contact the IMK reception.

? The exam will be handed out the given exam date from 10.00 a.m. The exam text will also be published on the course's semester web pages.

? The deadline for submitting your exam will be the given date from 12.00 to 14.00. Exams submitted later than 14.00 will not be accepted. It is not possible to turn in corrected or missing material after the deadline.

? Please submit your exam in 2 copies. Every page in a copy has to be stapled or otherwise arranged in the correct order. Please number all pages. Also include candidate number, course name and code, and date.

? Remember to bring valid students ID when you submit your exam.

? The exam can only be submitt...

Published Mar. 6, 2007 4:15 PM

Friday March 16: Exclusive lecture from Russia

On this date, at 13.00 -14.30 there will be arranged an extra, exclusive lecture by Roman Schleynov at Fritt Ord (Uranienborgveien 2 in the City, behind the Royal Castle). Schleynov is editor for investigative journalism in the russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta. His topic will be: Investigating Journalism in Russia; The attempt to see the light at the bottom of the weel.

NB: The lecture on Thursday March 15 at 16.15- 18.00 will be arranged as planned.

Published Mar. 6, 2007 4:01 PM

Lecture March 8

Journalism and war, Kristin Orgeret. Time and place: 16.15-18.00 in seminar room 205, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken

Published Feb. 27, 2007 4:51 PM

Lecture March 1 by Kristin Orgeret

Topic: Democracy and the News. Experiences from three African countries. Time and place: 16.15-18.00 in seminar room 205, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken

Published Feb. 15, 2007 11:52 AM

Remember todays Mancini-lecture at Fritt Ord

The adress is Uranienborgveien 2 (behind the Royal Castel i the city center), entrance from parkveien. The lecture starts at 17.00. Be there in good time.

Published Jan. 25, 2007 10:59 AM

Forelesninger i januar og februar

25.1: Trends in international journalism. Sigurd Allern

1.2: Global news, national news. Sigurd Allern

15.2: Comparing media systems. Paolo Mancini. NB: this lecture is arranged at Fritt Ord (The Freedom of Expression Foundation), Uranienborgveien 2 (entrance fram Parkveien, just behind the Royal Castle downtown). The lecture starts at 17.00, the students should be there in good time (16.40, because the lecture will be open to the public).

Published Jan. 11, 2007 12:55 PM

LECTURES JOUR3422: Please note that the lectures in JOUR3422 start January 25. 2007.