
From the following books the set curriculum will consist of approx. 1500 pages. (To be chosen by the students)

In addition there will be articles handed out on the situation of journalism in Europe, Latin-America and Africa.

Selected International newspapers will be used as illustration in class.

Brian McNair: The Sociology of Journalism (190 p)

Ian Hargreaves: Journalism. Truth or Dare (290 p)

Herbert Gans: Democracy and the News (182 p)

James Curran and Myung-Jin Park: De-westernizing Media Studies (340 p)

James Curran and Jean Seaton: Power without Responsbility (480 p)

Stuart Allen: News Culture (240 p)

Victor Navasky, Barbie Zelizer, Stuart Allen: Journalism after September 11. (288 p)

John Street: Mass Media, Poliics and Democracy (320 p)

Published Mar. 7, 2005 12:15 AM