
Venuti, Lawrence (red.) 2012. The Translation Studies Reader. Third Edition. London & N.Y: Routledge.

Alle oversiktartiklene samt artikler og utdrag av f?lgende forfattere: Jerome, d’Ablancourt, Dryden, Schleiermacher, Goethe, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Pound, Borges, Nabokov, Jakobson, Steiner, Even-Zohar, Toury, Vermeer, Berman, Chamberlain, Spivak, Appiah, Harvey, Derrida, Damrosch, Rafael, Venuti. (ca. 350 s.)

Internett (g? inn via UiOs nettsider):

Saussy, Haun (2015) Macaronics as What Eludes Translation i Paragraph, Vol. 38, number 2, pp. 214–230

Sontag, Susan (2002): The World as India: The St. Jerome Lecture on Literary Translation

Sakai, Naoki (2009) “How do we count a language? Translation and discontinuity”, Translation Studies,  Vol. 2, number 1, pp. 71–88


Knausg?rd, Karl Ove (2011): “Hjelpemann p? bibelen” fra Christine Amadou og Anders Aschim (red.) Bibelsk. (s. 33-58) Trondheim: Verbum.

Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2012) ?Forord? til Witold Gombrowicz: Yvonne, prinsesse av Burgund, Vigsla, Operette. Oslo: Samlaget.

Banach, Agnes (2015): ?Oversetterens forord? til Witold Gombrowicz: Trans-Atlanyk. Oslo: Flamme.

Damrosh, David (2003): “Introduction: Goethe Coins a Phrase” fra What is World Literature. New Jersey: Princeton Univ. press.

Alvstad, Klungervik Greenall, Jansen, Taivalkoski-Shilov (2017) ?Introduction? to Textual and Contextual Voices of Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Refsum, Christian (2017): “When poets translate poetry. Authorship, ownership, and translatorship” in Alvstad, Klungervik Greenall, Jansen and Taivalkoski-Shilov (ed.), Textual and Contextual Voices of Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Publisert 2. juni 2017 11:45 - Sist endret 2. juni 2017 11:45