Braaten, L.T., S. Kulset, O. Solum: Introduksjon til film. Historie, teori og analyse. Gyldendal 2000.
Engelstad, Audun. Film og fortelling. Fagbokforlaget 2015.
Monaco, J.: How to Read a Film. Movies, Media and Beyond. Oxford University Press 2009.
Cook, David A. Former Yugoslavia. I: A History of Narrative Film. W. W. Norton & Company 2016, 5th edition, s. 511-523.
Cook, David A. "Czechoslovakia" i: A History of Narrative Film. W. W. Norton & Company 1990, s. 684-699.
Hames, Peter: "The Czechoslovak New Wave" i: Linda Badley, R. Barton Palmer & Steven Jay Schneider: Traditions in World Cinema. Edinburgh University Press 2006, s. 67-79.
Michlic, Joanna B. “Memories of Jews and the Holocaust in Post-Communist Eastern Europe. The Case of Poland” i: Lindsey A. Freeman m.fl: Silence, Screen, and Spectacle: Rethinking Social Memory in the Age of Infiormation, Berghahn Books 2014 (183-212; s?rlig 183-186, 196-203).
Pavi?i?, Jurica (2011) Post-Yugoslav Film: Style and Ideology.
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