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Aidukaite, Jolanta (2009): Old welfare state theories and new welfare regimes in Eastern Europe: Challenges and implications: Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 42. lenke??

Aidukaite, Jolanta (2011): Welfare reforms and socio-economic trends in the 10 new EU member states of Central and Eastern Europe. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 44.

Aidukaite, Jolanta (2013) Social policy changes in the three Baltic states over the last decade (2000-2012). Economica Vol. 92 (3)

Adarov, Amat, Robert Tchaidze (2011) Development of Financial Markets in Central Europe: the Case of the CE4 Countries. IMF Working Paper.

Beckmann, Elisabeth, Thomas Schreiber, Helmut Stix (2011) How the Crisis Affected Foreign Currency Borrowing in CESEE. Microeconomic Evidence and Policy Implications. Focus on European Economic Integration, Q1/11. feei_2011_q1_studies_02_tcm16-224902-2.pdf

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Blagojevic, Sandra, Joze P. Damijan (2013) The impact of corruption and ownership on the performance of firms in Central and Eastern Europe. Post-communist Economies, Vol. 25, No.2.

Clegg, Daniel (2013) Central European Welfare States, i: Greve, Bent: The Routlegde Handbook of Welfare StateNew York: Rutledge

Csaki, Csaba, Attila Jambor (2013) Impacts of the EU enlargements on the new member states' agriculture. Acta Oeconomica et informatica, vol. 16, issue 1.

Damijan, Joze, Crt Kostevc, Matija Rojec (2013) FDI, Structural Change and Productivity Growth: Global Supply Chains at Work in Central and Eastern European Countries. IRMO Occasional Papers 1/2013.

Drahokoupil, Jan, Stefan Domonkos (2012) Averting the funding-gap crisis: East European pension reforms since 2008. Global Social Policy 12(3).

Farkas, Beáta (2011) The Central European Model of Capitalism. Post-Communist Economies, 23:01. 

Gandullia, Luca (2005) An overview of taxation, i Bernardi, Luigi, Mark W. S. Chandler and Luca Gandullia (Eds.): Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in New EU Members, London and New York: Routlegde.

Gauselmann, A, M. Knell, J. Stephan (2011) What drives FDI in Central-Eastern Europe? Evidence from the IWH-FDI-Micro database. Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 23, No. 3.

Hanson, Philip (2007) The European Union's Influence on the Development of Capitalism in Central Europe, i Lane, David (ed.): The Transformation of State Socialism, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Henderson, Karen (2002): Slovakia. The Escape from Invisibility, London and New York: Routlegde. Kapittel 4: The Economy in Slovakia (side 113-133).

Hughes, James, Gwendolyn Sasse and Claire Gordon (2004) : Europeanization and Regionalization in the EUs Elargement to Central and Eastern Europe. The Myth of Conditionality, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Kapittel 1: The Logic of Enlargement, Conditionality and Europeanization (s. 10-29).

Inglot, Tomasz (2009) Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia: Adaptation and Reform of the Post-Communist 'Emergency Welfare States', i Cerami, Alfio (ed.): Post-Communist Welfare Pathways. Theorizing Social Policy Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kattel, Rainer, Eirik S. Reinert and Margi Suurna (2008): Industrial Restructuring and Innovation Policy in Central and Eastern Europe since 1990, Working Papers in Technology Governance and Economc Dynamics no. 23. Tallin University of Technology, Tallin. Fulltekst.

Kersbergen, Kees Van (2013) What Are Welfare Typologies and How Are They Useful, If At All? i Greve, Bent: The Routlegde Handbook of Welfare StateNew York: Rutledge

King, Lawrence P. (2008): Central European Capitalism in Comparative Perspective, i Hanecke, Bob et. al: Beyond Varieties of Capitalism. Conflict, Contradictions, and Complementarities in the European Economies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Landesmann, E. A. (2008): East-West European Integration: Patterns of Catching-Up and Labour Market Implications, i Curcio, Alberto and Marco Fortis (Eds.): The EU and the Economies of the Eastern European Enlargement, Berlin: Physica-Verlag.

Medve-Bálint Gerg? (2014) The Role of the EU in Shaping FDI Flows to East Central Europe. Journal of Common Market Studies Volume 52, Number 1.

N?lke, Andreas and Arjan Vliegenthart (2009): Enlarging the Varieties of Capitalism. The emergence of Dependent Market Economies in East Central Europe: World Politics 61, no 4, Fulltekst.

Noelke, Clemens (2008): Social Protection, inequality and labour market risk in Central and Eastern Europe, i Kogan, Irena et. al.: Europe enlarged. A handbook of education, labour and welfare regimes in Central and Eastern Europe, Bristol: The Polity Press.

Reinert, Erik S., Rainer Kattel (2013) Failed and Asymmetrical Integration: Eastern Europe and the Non-financial Origins of the European Crisis. Working Papers in Technology Governance and Economic Dynamics no. 49.

Robila, Mihaela (2010) Family Policies in Eastern Europe: A Focus on Parental Leave. J Child Fam Stud (2012) 21.

Smetowski, Maciej (2013) Regional Disparities in Central and Eastern European Countries: Trends, Drivers and Pospects. Europe-Asia Studies, 65:8.

Smith, David J, Artis Pibriks, Aldris Purs and Thomas Lane: The Baltic States. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, London and New York: Routlede. Kapittel 4 Estland; 'The Little Country that Could': Estonia's Economic Return to Europe (side 113-146), kapittel 4 Latvia: Latvia's Economy since 1991 (side 89-118) og kapittel 5 Litauen: The Lithuanian Economy after Independence (side 163-198).

Szikra, Dorottya and Béla Tomka (2009) Social Policy in East Central Europe: Major Trends in the Twentieth Century, i Cerami, Alfio (ed.): Post-Communist Welfare Pathways. Theorizing Social Policy Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Soós, Károly Attila (2011): Politics and Policies in Post-Communist Transition. Primary and Secondary Privatisation in Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Budapest - New York: Central European University Press. side 31-48, 60-65, 71-92.

Tübke, Alexander (2003) Pattern of Industrial Change in the Post-Communist EU Candidate Countries: Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 15, No. 2, Fulltekst.

Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel (2007) Work and Employment Conditions in New EU Member States: A Different Reality? i Leisnik, Peter et. al. : Industrial Relations in the New Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Williams, Colin C. (2009) The Hidden Economy in East-Central Europe. Lessons from a Ten-Nation Survey: Problems of Post-Communism vol 56, noo. 4 July/August 2009,

Zaidi, Salman (2009) Main Drivers of Income Inequality in Central European and Baltic Countries. Some Insights from Recent Household Survey Data: Policy Research Paper 4815. The World Bank. Europe and Central Asia Region. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Department. Fulltekst.

* ?slund, Anders (2007): How Capitalism was built. The Transformation of Central And Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, Cambridge: Cambride University Press. Kapillel 1 til side 23, kapittel 2 til side 44, kapittel 3. kapittel 4, kapittel 5 og kapittel 6.

Publisert 12. okt. 2010 09:50 - Sist endret 14. jan. 2015 12:11