


Berkaak, Odd Are og Fr?nes, Ivar. (2005) “Tegn og betydning,” i: Tegn, tekst og samfunn. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag, 15-74.

Djoki?, Dejan. (2009) “Whose Myth? Which Nation? The Serbian Kosovo Myth Revisited,” i: Uses and Abuses of the Middle Ages: 19th-21st Century, red. J. M. Bak et al, München: Wilhelm Fink, 1-30. Goldsmiths Research Online.

Fox, Jon E. & Miller-Idriss, Cynthia. (2008) “Everyday nationhood,” Ethnicities, 8 (4), 536-63.

Gammelgaard, Karen & Ljiljana ?ari?. (2012) “Discursive construction of national holidays in West and South Slavic countries after the fall of communism,” utdrag. I: Transforming National Holidays: Identity Discourse in the West and South Slavic countries, 1985-2010, red. L. ?ari? et al.  Lastes ned fra Fronter, 10-23.

Hall, Stuart. “The work of representation.” (2013) I: Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, red. S. Hall et al.

Jo?zefik, Barbara & Krzysztof Szwajca. (2011) “Polish myths and their deconstruction in the context of Polish-Jewish relations,” i: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 1:


Kitliński, Tomasz. (2014) “The Power of Poetry and the Crisis of the Academy,” i: Dream? ‘Democracy? A Philospohy of Horror, Hope and Hospitality in Art and Action, Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 196-201.

Kolst?, P?l. (2006) “National symbols as signs of unity and division,” Ethnic and Racial Studies 29, 676-701.

Kyridis, Agyris et al. (2009) “Nationalism through State-Constructed Symbols: The Case of National Anthems,” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 4, 10 s.

Wachtel, Andrew B. (2006) “The Writer as National Hero,” i: Remaining Relevant after Communism. The Role of the Writer in Eastern Europe, University of Chicago, 12-43.

Zubrzycki, Geneviève. (2006) “We the Polish Nation: Redefining the Nation in Post-Communist Poland,” The Crosses of Auschwitz: Nationalism and Religion in Post-

Communist Poland, University of Chicago, 77-97.



For studenter med BKS


David, Filip. (2014) “Bo?e pravde.”, 2 s.

De?ulovi?, Boris (2013). “Pet najve?ih hrvatskih mitova: Lijepa na?a domovino bajki,” 5 s.

Erceg, Heni (2012). “Prokletstvo pisca”, 2 s.

MacDonald, David B. (2002) Balkan Holocausts? Serbian and Croatian Victim-centered Propaganda and the War in Yugoslavia, Manchester University Press, utdrag.

M?nnesland, Svein. (2013) National Symbols in Multinational States: The Yugoslav Case. Sypress: Oslo. [kap. National Anthems, Religion as National Symbol; Contested Symbols: Njego? and Andri?, utdrag].

Pavlica, Damjan. (2012) “Srpski simboli.”

Peri?i?, Vuk. (2001) “Nacija kao simbol.”

?ari?, Ljiljana. (2012) “Collective memory and media genres: Serbian Statehood Day 2002-2010,” i: Transforming National Holidays: Identity Discourse in the West and South Slavic Countries, 1985–2010, red. L. ?ari? et al, John Benjamins: Amsterdam, 20 s. Lastes ned fra Fronter, 25-35.

?ari?. Ljiljana. 2012. “Croatia in search of a national day: Front-page presentations of national day celebrations, 1988-2005,” i: Transforming National Holidays: Identity Discourse in the West and South Slavic Countries, 1985–2010, red. L. ?ari? et al, John Benjamins: Amsterdam, 22 s. Lastes ned fra Fronter, 70-82.

?ani?, Ivo. (2005) “The symbolic identity of Croatia in the triangle: Crossroad-Bulwark-Bridge,” i: Myths and Boundaries in South-Eastern Europe, red. P. Kolst?, Hurst: London, 35-76.


Skj?nnlitter?re tekster:


Ivo Andri?, Na Drini ?uprija, utdrag.

Petar Petrovi? Njego?, Gorski vijenac, utdrag.

Radoje Domanovi?, Kraljevi? Marko po drugi put me?u Srbima, utdrag, 5-6 s.

Mak Dizdar, Kameni spava?, utdrag, 3-4 s.

Dubravka Ugre?i?, The Culture of Lies, utdrag.

Boris De?ulovi?, Bje?anje iz nezavisne Hrvatske, 3 s.



Andre tekster og symboler:


Nasjonalsanger: Bosnia-Herzegovina; Kroatia, Serbia, Montenegro.

Grunnlovstekster:  Bosnia-Herzegovina; Kroatia, Serbia, Montenegro, utdrag.

Partiprogrammer: utdrag.



For studenter med polsk


Besala, Jerzy et al., red. (2011) Polskie symbole. 100 miejsc, postaci, wydarzeń, osi?gni??, wa?nych dla Polski, Europa i ?wiata (Polish symbols. 100 places, people, events, achievements important for Poland, Europe and the World), Warszawa, utdrag.

Ensink, Titus & Christoph Sauer. (2012) “Commemorating the Warsaw Uprising of 1 August 1944. International relational aspects of commemorative practices, in: Transforming National Holidays. Identity Discourse in the West and South Slavic countries, 1985-2010, red. L. ?ari? et al, John Benjamins: Amsterdam, 171-189. Lastes ned fra Fronter, 93-102.

Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2012). “What Europe means for Poland: The front-page coverage of Independence Day in Gazeta Wyborcza 1989-2009,” in: Transforming National Holidays. Identity Discourse in the West and South Slavic countries, 1985-2010, red. L. ?ari? et al., John Benjamins: Amsterdam, 271-298. Lastes ned fra Fronter, 143-155.

Janion, Maria. (2004/2011) “Farewell to Poland? The Uprising of a Nation,” Baltic Worlds, 4.

Kitliński, Tomasz. (2014) “Hostility towards Jewishness and Interculturality,” i: Dream? Democracy? A Philosophy of Horror, Hope and Hospitality in Art and Action, Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 182-189.

Kulawik, Teresa & Renata Ingbrant. (2011) “Maria Janion. A Tree Spreading Seeds,” Baltic Worlds, 4.

Zubrzycki, Geneviève. (2006) “The Aesthetics of the War of the Crosses: Mobilizing the Nation,” The Crosses of Auschwitz: Nationalism and Religion in Post-Communist Poland, University of Chicago, 141-170, utdrag.

Zubrzycki, Geneviève. (2013) “Polish mythology and the traps of messianic martyrology,” i: National Myths. Constructed Pasts, Contested Presents, red. G. Bouchard, London: Routledge, 110-132, utdrag.


Skj?nnlitter?re tekster:


Feliński, Alojzy. (1816) “Bo?e co? Polsk?.”

Gombrowicz, Witold. Dziennik 1953-1969, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, utdrag. Se ogs?  Dagboken, 1-2, overs. A. Banach, Oslo: Flamme forlag, 2012-13.

Mickiewicz, Adam. (1834) Pan Tadeusz, utdrag: 191-208, 208-211. Se ogs? Pan Tadeusz, with Polish and English text side by side, overs. K. R. Mackenzie, New York: Hippocrene, 2000, 525-585; Herr Tadeusz, eller Sista fejden i Litauen: en ber?ttelse ur landadelns liv fr?n ?ren 1811 och 1812 i tolv b?cker p? vers, overs. L. Kjellberg, Stockholm: Tiden, 1987.

Mas?owska, Dorota. (2002) Wojna polsko-ruska pod flag? bia?o czerwon?, Warszawa, utdrag. Se ogs? Snow White and Russian Red, overs. B. Paloff, New York: Black Cat, 2005.

Wybicki, Józef. (1797) “Pie?ń Legionów Polskich we W?oszech”/ “Mazurek D?browskiego

(Polski hymn narodowy od 1927 roku)”



Andre tekster og symboler:


Preambu?a, Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997. r,

Se ogs? “Official Translation of the Preamble, Constitution of the Third Republic of Poland,” i: G. Zubrzycki, Geneviève, The Crosses of Auschwitz: Nationalism and Religion in Post-Communist Poland, University of Chicago, 225-226.

Program Prawa i Sprawiedliwo?ci (PiS), 5-9.

“Deklaracje i tezy programowe,” Twój Ruch, 7-11.

Platforma Obywatelska Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (PO), utdrag.

Polak ma?y. Barnefilm om polske nasjonale symboler. Regi: Justyna & Maciej Marciński, Instytut Pami?ci narodowej, 2013.


Publisert 15. mai 2014 08:16 - Sist endret 5. nov. 2020 09:54