Berkaak og Fr?nes' bok Tegn, tekst og samfunn (2005) kan kj?pes p? Akademika.
De ?vrige undervisningsmaterialene er tilgjengelige p? nett eller vil bli delt ut av l?rerne.
For alle studenter
Berkaak, Odd Are og Fr?nes, Ivar. 2005. "Tegn og betydning" i Tegn, tekst og samfunn. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag, 15-74.
Billig, Michael. 1995. Banal Nationalism. London: Sage, kap. 3, 5.
Brubaker, Rogers. 2004. Ethnicity without groups . Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, kap. 1, 6.
Brubaker, Rogers. 1996. "National minorities, nationalizing states, and external national homelands in the New Europe", i Brubaker, Rogers: Nationalism reframed, 1996. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, kap. 3.
Calhoun, Craig. 2007. Nations matter: culture, history, and the cosmopolitan dream . London: Routledge, kap. 2, 3.
Fox, Jon E. & Miller-Idriss, Cynthia. 2008. "Everyday nationhood", Ethnicities, 8 (4), 536-63.
Jahn, Egbert. 2009. Nationalism in late and Post-Communist Europe , Baden-Baden: Nomos, kapitlene om Tsjekkia, Polen.
Karolewski, Ireneus Pawel & Andrzej Marcin Sucszycki. 2011. The nation and Nationalism in Europa. An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, kap. 1-4 (s. 1-85)..
Kolst?, P?l. 2006. "National symbols as signs of unity and division". Ethnic and Racial Studies 29, 676-701.
Kymlicka, Will. 2007. Multicultural Odysseys. Oxford: Oxford University Press, kap. 3 (s. 61-86).
For studenter med polsk
Om polske symboler
Auer, Stefan. 2004. Liberal Nationalism in Central Europe , kap. 3 (s. 56-94).
Egbert, Jan. 2009. Nationalism in late and Post-Communist Europe , kapitlene om Polen.
Gombrowicz, Witold. 1997. Dagb?ker, bind 1, s. 241-243 (om ?eromski). Norsk oversettelse kommer i august.
Gebert, Konstanty. 2010. "Poland since 1989: muddling through, wall to wall". I Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989 (red. Sabrina P. Ramet). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 139 -161.
Graczyk, Ewa. "Szcz??cie Pana Tadeusza". Norsk oversettelse under arbeid. (ca.15 sider)
Killingswoth, M. 2012. "Where does Poland fit in Europe? How political memory influences Polish MEPs' perceptions of Poland's place in Europe."
Mach, Zdzistaw. 2004. "The Roman Catholic church in Poland and the Dynamics of Social Identity in Polish Society". I Lucia Faltin and Melanie J. Wrigyt The Religious Roots of Contemporary European Identity. London: Continuum.
Michnik, Adam. 2009. "The trouble with history. Tradition: Imprisonment or Liberation?" International journal of political and cultural sociology22:445–452
Mi?osz, Czeslaw. History of Polish Literature. Avsnitt om Wyspiański.
Schulz, Bruno. 1984. "Ferdydurke". Norsk oversettelse under arbeid.
Tokarczuk, Olga. 2006. "Kim jest Izabela" Norsk oversettelse under arbeid.
Zubrzycki, G. 2001. "We, the Polish Nation": Ethnic and Civic Visions of Nationhood in Post-Communist Constitutional Debates.
Zubrycki, Genevieve. 2006. "We the Polish Nation: Redefining the Nation in Post-Communist Poland" i Genvieve Zubrzycki The Crosses of Auschwitz: Nationalism and Religion in Post-Communist Poland. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Tekster vi analyserer
Skj?nnlitter?re tekster
Gombrowicz, Witold. Ferdydurke (1937), kpt. 2, ?Uwi?zienie i dalsze zdrabnianie?
Mickiewicz, Adam: Pan Tadeusz (1834), Epilogen
Prus, Boles?aw: Lalka, kpt. 5 (1890)
Sienkiewicz, Henryk: Latarnik (1882).
S?owacki, Juliusz: Grob Agamemnona (1839).
Wybicki, Józef: Jeszcze Polska nie zgin??a (1797). Tekst her
Wyspiański, Stanis?aw:Wesele (1901), scene 35 – 37.
?eromski, Stefan: Przedwio?nie (1925). Avsnitt 174-271
Tekstene av Mickiewicz, Prus, Sienkiewicz, S?owacki, Wyspiański og ?eromski kan leses p? nettstedet Wolne lektury
Andre tekster og symboler
Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 r. - PREAMBU?A
Programmer for politiske partier (utdrag) :
1. Platforma obywatelska – s?owo wst?pne Donalda Tuska, s. 9-15
2. Prawo i Sprawiedliwo?? – Innledningen, side 5 – 9
3. Ruch Palikota – ?Nowiczesne państwo – o co walczymy?”
For studenter med tsjekkisk
Om tsjekkiske symboler
Auer, Stefan. 2004. Liberal Nationalism in Central Europe (kap. 4, s. 95-130)
Auer, Stefan. 2006. "After 1989, Who are the Czechs?" Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 12, Issue 3-4, 411-430.
Gammelgaard, Karen. 2011. The Discursive Battle in 1988 over the Czech National Holiday 28 October. Scando-Slavica 57: 1, 48-67.
Paces, Cynthia. 2009. Prague panoramas: national memory and sacred spaces in the twentieth century (kap. 12, 13)
Sayer, Derek. 1998. The Coasts of Bohemia. A Czech History. Kapitlet ‘A Cathedral and a Fortress’.
Skalnik Leff, Carol. 2010. "Building democratic values in the Czech Republic since 1989". I Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989 (red. Sabrina P. Ramet). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 162-180.
Thomas, Alfred. 1995. "Patriotism and poetry in Karel Hynek Mácha’s Máj" i The Labyrinth of the Word. Truth and Representation in Czech Literature.
Tekster vi analyserer
Skj?nnlitter?re tekster
Dyk, Viktor: Země mluví (1921) Tekst her
Ha?ek, Jaroslav: Osudy dobrého vojáka ?vejka za světové války (1921) Teksten kan lastes ned her
Hora, Josef: Zpěv rodné zemi (1938). Tekst her
Jirásek, Alois: Staré pověsti ?eské (1894) (Blani?tí rytí?i mm) . Opplesninger. Teksten kan lastes ned her
Mácha, Karel Hynek: Máj (1836). Teksten kan lastes ned her. Dramatisert for radio
Němcová, Bo?ena: Babi?ka (1855). Teksten kan lastes ned her. Opplesninger
Tyl, Josef Kajetan: Kde domov m?j (1835). Tekst og musikk her
Andre tekster og symboler
?stava ?eské republiky. Preambule og paragraf 13-14.
Programmer for utvalgte politiske partier (utdrag) :
1. Ob?anská demokratická strana (ODS). Avsnittet "?eská republika v Evropě a ve světě"
2. ?eská strana sociálně demokratická (?SSD) Avsnittet: "Tradice a historické ko?eny sociální demokracie"