
Pensum NORAM4584:


  • Corrigan and Hudson, Religion in America (8th edition)



  • American Piety in in 21st century: New Insights to the Depth and Complexity of Religion in the US, Selected Findings from the Baylor Religion Survey (Sept 2006)



  • Class handouts: Selected Documents



  • Individual pensum: Each MA student will choose, in consultation with me, approximately 500 pages of additional readings. These will be divided among 2-4 themes. At least one of the themes will be jointly agreed upon by all the MA students. MA students will meet with me as a group at the end of the first class and will sign up for individual meetings within the first two weeks of teaching. Some themes to consider are: Puritans; 1st, 2nd or 3rd Great Awakenings; Evangelicalism; feminism and religion; science and religion; religion and politics; constitutional challenges to religion; religion and social policy; Islam in the USA historically; Mormonism; 19th century social-religious experiments; African-American Religious history, Immigrant religion; etc.


Published Aug. 20, 2010 3:59 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2020 3:51 PM