
Nancy Woloch: Women and the American Experience, 4th edition. McGraw Hill. ISBN:?0-07-293284-8.

Ellen Skinner: Women and the National Experience: Primary Sources in American History, 2nd edition. Longman.

Linda Witt, Glenna Matthews, Karen M. Paget: Running as a Woman: Gender and Power in American Politics, Free Press.

Sandra Opdycke: The Routledge Historical Atlas of Women in America, (Routledge Atlases of American History).

Anja Bakken: "Our country gives us the vote - America refuses it" : Norwegian-American suffrage workers in Brooklyn and Minneapolis, 1880-1920 and their gendered sense of ethnicity, 1998. Hovedoppgave i engelsk - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet.

Additional readings on an American woman political or reform figure. (Will be agreed upon individually.)

Essential Reference Books/pamphlets:

  • A good dictionary: (Webster’s is preferable, but others will suffice if you are unable to get Webster’s – though they are often better for British English, than American.)
  • James D. Lester and James D. Lester, Jr., Writing Research Papers (available in Akademika in the English section). See especially the chapter on plagiarism.
  • Dorothy Burton Sk?rdal, Rules for Writing English: A Practical Handbook for Students and Teachers of English in Norway (Available through Kompendia Utsalg at Akademika).
  • Either Turabian or MLA handbook (for bibliography and footnote styles).

Published Nov. 25, 2008 8:45 AM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2008 2:21 PM