
Nancy Woloch: Women and the American Experience, 2006. McGraw Hill. ISBN:?0-07-293284-8.

Ellen Skinner: Women and the National Experience: Primary Sources in American History, 2003 (2nd Edition). Longman.

Susan J. Douglas: Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media, 1994,1995. Random House.

Additional readings for MA students will be agreed upon individually. These will be the basis for the semester paper. Topics will be chosen during the first week. The reading list is to be turned in the 2nd week of classes ideally. Check the Classfronter site for some suggestions of topics.

Essential Reference Books/pamphlets:

  • A good dictionary: (Webster’s is preferable, but others will suffice if you are unable to get Webster’s – though they are often better for British English, than American.)
  • James D. Lester and James D. Lester, Jr., Writing Research Papers (available in Akademika in the English section). See especially the chapter on plagiarism.
  • Dorothy Burton Sk?rdal, Rules for Writing English: A Practical Handbook for Students and Teachers of English in Norway (Available through Kompendia Utsalg at Akademika)
  • Either Turabian or MLA handbook (for bibliography and footnote styles)

Published Oct. 24, 2006 10:38 AM - Last modified Dec. 7, 2006 5:01 PM