Here is a former exam …

Here is a former exam question sample:

NORAM4502: The Liberal Tradition in America

Answer ONE of three questions:

1. Based on your readings for this course, what are some of the strengths and weaknesses of liberalism as a political philosophy, on one hand, and of liberalism as exercised by some Democratic presidents in the 20th century, on the other?

2. To what extent did the New Deal represent a radical departure from the prevailing American political tradition and in what degree was it a conservative project in the mainline of national political thought aimed at saving the American capitalist system? In answering this question, draw on whatever sources you find relevant, but include the views of Louis Hartz and George Hamby on this question.

3. Choose one of the political philosophers represented in the Sandel book and draw a profile of his/her political thoughts on society. In your essay, include also a critique of his/her views. You should feel free to also draw on other readings which you deem relevant. Do not choose to write on the subject of your term paper.


Published May 8, 2007 5:09 PM - Last modified May 23, 2007 2:16 PM