
Excerpts from the following texts available online or in classfronter; specific page numbers will be assigned later.

  • Addams, Jane. My Twenty Years at Hull House
  • Bellah, Robert. "Civil Religion in America"
  • DuBois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk
  • Crevecoeur, Letters from an American Farmer
  • Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby
  • Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography
  • Jefferson, Thomas. “The Ward Republic”; Notes of the State of Virginia
  • Madison, James, et. Al. The Federalist Papers
  • Mumford, Lewis. The Brown Decades
  • Paine, Thomas. Select Works
  • Parrington, Vernon Louis. Main Currents in American Thought
  • Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America
  • Trachetenberg, Alan. The Incorporation of America
  • Turner, Frederick Jackson. The Frontier in American History
  • Veblen, Thorstein. Theory of the Leisure Class
  • Williams, William Appleman. The Tragedy of American Diplomacy
Publisert 25. nov. 2014 08:46 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2014 09:35