
Publisert 8. mai 2007 16:31

This is a previous EXAM QUESTION sample:

EKSAMEN 2006 I NORAM1503: American Geography, Politics, Institutions, and Economic System

Onsdag 31. mai 2006. 4 timer Oppgaven best?r av 1 side

Tillatte hjelpemidler: Godkjent engelsk-engelsk ordbok

A. Explain the following items in a few lines (20% of final score):

1. J.I.T. 2. "Reapportionment," "redistricting," and " gerrymandering" 3. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 4. AFL/CIO 5. The Fourteenth Amendment

B. ANSWER TWO of four questions (each 40% of total score):

1. Explain the term "separation of powers" and how the system of "checks and balances" works in American politics. 2. Americans like to think that their nation is unique and, when founded, represented newness or innovations compared to old Europe. Considering American government, which aspects would you say are American and which features are carryovers from Europe? 3. Isolationis...

Publisert 8. mai 2007 12:41

NB! Let me remind you of the lecture by Dr. Robert Berdahl--current President of The Association of American Universities, former President of the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Texas, Austin, and "The Norwegian-American of the Year," 2007.

Lecture Title:

"The Privatization of the Public: The American Public University Today."

Place & Time: Monday, May 14 at 14:30 in NT 811 (8th floor Niels Treschows hus)

Publisert 26. feb. 2007 20:19

The term essay (pass/fail), written on an assigned topic, must be handed in (two paper copies to me and one Classfronter copy to the office)) by April 30.