
MAS 2161/4161 England's Viking Inheritance


Loyn, H.R. (1994) The Vikings in Britain (2. rev. utg., Oxford: Blackwell).

Richards, Julian D. (2000) Viking Age England (Stroud: Tempus).

Weinreich, Uriel (1968 [1953]) Languages in Contact (The Hague: Mouton).

Enkelte kapitler i b?ker, og artikler i tidsskrift

Benskin, Michael (forest?ende) 'On some supposed evidence for contact between England and Norway in the pre-viking period'.

Bibire, Paul (2001) 'North Sea language contacts in the middle ages: English and Norse'. I Thomas R. Liszka og Lorna E.M. Walker, red. The North Sea World in the Middle Ages. Studies in the Cultural History of North-Western Europe (Dublin: Four Courts Press), ss. 88-107.

Cameron, Kenneth (1971) 'Scandinavian settlement in the territory of the Five Boroughs: the place-name evidence Part III, the Grimston-hybrids=. I Clemoes og Hughes 1971, ss. 147-63.

Clemoes, Peter og Kathleen Hughes (1971) red. England Before the Conquest (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Artikler av K. Cameron og R.I. Page (se Cameron 1971 og Page 1971).

Gordon, E.V. (1957 og opptrykk) An Introduction to Old Norse (Oxford: Clarendon Press): ss. 326-9, 'Old Norse in England'.

Lund, Niels (1981) 'The settlers: where do we get them from ?? and do we need them?'. I Proceedings of the Eighth Viking Congress, ?rhus 24-31 August 1977, red. Hans Bekker-Nielsen, Peter Foote og Olaf Olsen (Odense: Odense University Press, 1981), ss. 147-71.

McIntosh, Angus (1973) 'Word geography in the lexicography of mediaeval English', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 211, ss. 55-66.

Page, R.I. (1971) 'How long did the Scandinavian language survive in England? The epigraphical evidence'. I Clemoes og Hughes 1971, ss. 165-81.

Samuels, M.L. 'The Great Scandinavian Belt'. I R. Eaton et al., red. Papers from the 4th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam, 10-13 April, 1985 (Amsterdam:Benjamins), ss. 269-81. Opptrykk i Margaret Laing, red. Middle English Dialectology: essays on some principles and problems (Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1989).


The Oxford History of Medieval England, red. Nigel Saul (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997 og opptrykk): 'Anglo-Saxon England c.500-1066' (ss. 25-60), 'Conquered England, 1066-1215' (ss. 61-99), 'Late medieval England, 1215-1485' (ss. 102-136), 'Piety, religion and the Church' (ss. 174-206), 'Language and literature' (ss. 245-76). (Legg merke til at mange av disse sidene er bilder.)


Beowulf. Oversett (og med innf?ring) av Kevin Crossley-Holland. The Poetry of Legend: Classics of the Medieval World. Phoebe Philips Editions. (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 1987 og opptrykk).

C?dmons hymne. Oversett av Michael Benskin (maskinskrevet).

Den senere Genesis (ellers Genesis-B)

The Dream of the Rood

Trylleformelen fra London, British Library, Hs. Harley 585, folioark 174. Oversett av Michael Benskin (maskinskrevet).

Vandringsmannen (The Wanderer)



Den angelsaksiske kronikk, oversett (og med innf?ring) av Michael Swanton, som The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (London: Dent, 1996 og opptrykk): annaler for 755, 894,

Wulfstans Sermo ad Anglos (Tale til englanderne)

Published Dec. 12, 2006 4:21 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2007 2:07 PM