
1. Prim?rlitteratur

1.1 Verk (kj?pes/l?nes)

Chinua Achebe: Things fall apart (1958)

Tayeb Salih: Trekket mot nord (1966)

Arundhati Roy: The god of small things (1997)

Mourid Barghouti: Jeg s? Ramallah (1997)

1.2 Fortellinger, noveller, og utdrag av en roman. Tekstkompendium LIT 4380 Del I (ca. 145 s., kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget i underetasjen hos Akademika)

Tusind og en nat. Udvalgte fort?llinger. (ca 800). Kbh 2005, s 9-28 og s 298-300.

Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe. (1719) Utdrag. Penguin Classics 1985, s 27-37, 102-11, 175-179. 204-223 og 293-299

Lu Xun: ”Godt nytt?r!”(1924), overs. av Vibeke B?rdahl og Liu Pai-shah, i Elisabeth Aasen (red): Fortellinger fra fjerne str?k, Oslo 1978, s. 56-78.

Rabindranath Tagore: ”The Postmaster (1891)”, i Chaudhuri (red.): The Picador book of Modern Indian Literature, Picador: London 2001, s. 29-34.

Mahasweta Devi: ”The Hunt”, i Imaginary Maps. Three Stories by Mahasweta Devi. Translated and introduced by Gayatri Spivak, Routledge: London/ New York 1995, s. 1-17.

Toni Morrison: ”Recitatif” (1983): Baraka, Amiri et al. (red): Confirmation. An Anthology of African American Women, Quill, 1983, s. 243-261.

2. Sekund?rlitteratur

2.1 Verk (kj?pes/l?nes)

Christopher Prendergast (red.): Debating World Literature, Verso: London/New York 2004.

Fra denne antologien hentes (ca. 115 s.):

Christopher Prendergast: ”The World Republic of Letters”

Stefan Hoesel-Uhlig: ”The Directions of Goethe’s Weltliteratur

Emily Apter: ”Global Tranlatio: The ’Invention’ of Comparative Literature, Istanbul, 1993”

Franco Moretti: ”Conjectures on World Literature”

Stephen Heath: ”The Politics of Genre”.

Bart Moore-Gilbert/Gareth Stanten/ Willy Maley (red): Postcolonial Criticism, New York & London 1997.

Fra denne antologien hentes (ca. 100 s.):

Aime Césaire: ”From Discourse on Colonialism” (18s)

Frantz Fanon: ”On National Culture” (21s)

Chinua Achebe: ”An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness”(14s)

Homi K. Bhabha: ”’Race’, Time and the Revision of Modernity” (25s.)

Bell Hooks: ”Revolutionary Black Women: Making Ourselves Subject” (19s).

2.2 Tekster i kompendium LIT 4380 Del II (ca. 150 s., kj?pes p? Akademika)

Eckermann, J.P.: “Onsdagen den 31. januari 1827”, i Samtal med Goethe under hans sista levnads?r, Stockholm 1961, s. 227-232.

Eric Auerbach: ”Verdenslitteraturens filologi” , i Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 1/2006, s 2-10

Edward Said: ”Innledning”, i Orientalismen, overs. av Anne Aabakken, Oslo 1994, s. 11- 39.

  • Edward Said: ”Reflections on Exile”, i Reflections on Exile and Other Essays, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass. 2000, s. 173-186.

  • Edward Said: ”Preface to the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition of Orientalism”, i Orientalism. 25th Anniversary Edition, Vintage Books: New York 2003, s. xv-xxx.

Bhabha, Homi K.: ”Of mimicry and man: The ambivalence of colonial discourse” og ”Signs taken for wonders: Questions of ambivalence and authority under a tree outside Dehli, May 1817”, i The location of culture, Routledge: London/New York 1994, s. 85-92 og 102-122.

Gayatri Spivak/Mahasweta Devi: ”The Author in Conversation” og ”Translator’s Preface”, i Imaginary Maps. Three Stories by Mahasweta Devi. Translated and introduced by Gayatri Spivak, Routledge: London/ New York 1995, s. ix-xxix.

Amid Chaudhuri: ”Modernity and the Vernacular” og ”The construction of the Indian novel in English”, i Chaudhuri (red.): The Picador book of Modern Indian Literature, Picador: London 2001, s. xvii-xxxi.

Abel, Elisabeth:”Black Writing, White Reading: Race and the Politics of Feminist Interpretation” (1993), i Robyn R. Warhol/Diane P. Herndl (red.): Feminisms, Macmillan Press: Basingstoke 1997, s. 827- 852.

Larson, Charles: ”Heroic Ethnocentrism: The Idea of Universality in Literature”, Bill Aschcroft et al. (red.): The postcolonial studies reader, Routledge: London/New York 1995, s. 62-65.

Helge Jordheim: ”Verdenslitteratur og litteraturforskningens kairos”, i Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 1/2006.

Madsen, Peter: ”Efterskrift” til Tusind og en nat. Udvalgte fort?llinger. Kbh 2005, s 303-318

Publisert 24. okt. 2006 10:36 - Sist endret 28. nov. 2006 11:08