
Skj?nnlitter?rt pensum:


Daniel Defoe: The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1719). Tekstkritisk utgave, gjerne Norton

The Female American, (1767) red. Michelle Burnham, Broadview literary texts, 2001

Sarah Burney: The Shipwreck, i Tales of Fancy.1816. Elektronisk tilgjengelig

Jules Verne: L’oncle Robinson. Paris: Livre de poche 2001: no. utgave: Onkel Robinson, overs. av Kjell Olaf Jensen. Oslo: Aventura, elektronisk tilgjengelig: NBdigital

William Golding: Lord of the Flies (1954). Gjerne tekstkritisk utgave

Ida Hegazi H?yer, Fortellingen om ?de. Oslo: Tiden 2015


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Teori og sekund?rlitteratur:

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Acquisto, Joseph, 2012: ?What is the Moral of this Story?: The Popular Robinsonnade in the Nineteenth Century?, Crusoes and Other Castaways in Modern French Literature, University of Delaware Press, s. 71-121 (50 s)

Blaim, Artur, 1990: ?Preliminaries: texts and criticism?, The English robinsonade of the eighteenth century, Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century, 275, Oxford, s. 9-36 (27 s)

Deleuze, Gilles, 2004: ?Desert Islands?, Desert Islands and Other Texts, oversatt til engelsk av Michael Taormina, Los Angeles: Semiotext(e),  s. 9-14 (6 s)

Foucault, Michel: ?Of Other Spaces. Heterotopias?, [1967], Architecture/Mouvement/Continuité, 1984, oversatt til engelsk av Jay Miskowiec (9 s)

Joseph, Betty, 2000: ?Re(Playing) Crusoe/Pocahontas: Circum-Atlantic Stagings in The Female American?, Criticism, Vol. 42 (3), 317–335 (18 s)

M?nster, Louise, 2009: ?At finde sted. En introduktion til stedbegrepet og dets litter?re potentiale?, i Edda 4/09 (20 s)

Nordius, Janina, 2008: ?’Thus Might I Reason with a Heathen…’: The Gothic Moment in teh Female American?, Nordic Journal of English Studies (7:2), s 1–18 (18 s)

Novak, Maximilan E., 1994: ?Robinson Crusoe and the State of Nature? [1963] – utdrag. I Daniel Defore: Robinson Crusoe. Red. Michael Shinagel. New York: Norton, s. 309–320 (11 s)  

Owen, C.M., 2010. ?Mother and Daughters of the New World?, The Female Crusoe. Hybridity, Trade and the Eighteenth Century Individual, Amsterdam: Rodopi, s. 165–196 (32 s)

Rodriguez, Carmen Maria Fernandez, 2011: ?Romanticising the Robinsonade: Sarah Harriet Burney’s The Shipwreck (1820)?, BABEL-AFIAL 20, s. 21–39 (19 s)

R?nning, Anne Birgitte, 2010: ?Robinsonaden som 1800-tallets eksemplariske oppdragelsesfortelling - ogs? for jenter?, Tidsskrift for kulturforskning.  2/2010, s 72- 90 (19 s)

Said, Edward, 1993: ?Narrative and Social Space?, Culture and Imperialism, London, s.73- 95 (23 s)

Watt, Ian, 1996: ?Crusoe, Ideology and Theory?, The Myth of Modern Individualism. Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Robinson Crusoe, Cambridge, s. 172-192 (21 s)

Weaver-Hightower, Rebecca, 2007: ?Monarchs of All They Survey?, Empire Islands, Castaways, Cannibals and Fantasies of Conquest, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, s. 1–42  (42 s)

Woodward, Kathleen, 1983: ?On Aggression: William Golding’s Lord of the Flies?, i No Place Else: Exploration in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction, red. Eric S. Rabkin, Martin H Greenberg og Joseph D. Olander, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, s. 199–224 (25 s)


I tillegg kommer 50-100 s. knyttet til emnet for semesteroppgaven. 

Publisert 26. mai 2016 13:35 - Sist endret 12. sep. 2016 14:35