
Fast pensum skj?nnlitteratur: B?ker

Ehrlich, Gretel. This Cold Heaven: Seven Seasons in Greenland. 2001. New York: Vintage, 2003.

Johansen, Hjalmar. Med Nansen mot Nordpolen: Selv-anden p? 86° 14': Optegnelser fra den norske polarferd 1893-96. Oslo: Kagge, 2003.

Ransmayr, Christoph. Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis: Roman: Mit 8 Farbphotographien von Rudi Palla und 11 Abbildungen. Wien: Brandst?tter, 1984. ELLER NORSK UTGAVE: Isens og m?rkets redsler: Roman. Overs. Sverre Dahl. Oslo: Gyldendal, 1991.

Roy, Gabrielle. La Rivière sans repos. Montréal: Boréal, 1995 [1970]. ELLER ENGELSK UTGAVE: Windflower. Overs. Phyllis Webb. Toronto: New Canadian Library, 2008.

Verne, Jules. Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras: Les anglais au p?le nord: Le désert de glace. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2005 [1864-1865]. ELLER NORSK UTGAVE: Kaptein Hatteras: Kaptein Hatteras’ eventyrlige ferd til Nordpolen. Overs. Tom Lotherington. Oslo: Vidarforlaget, 2014.


Fast pensum skj?nnlitteratur: Utdrag

Tekster som ikke er fritt tilgjengelig p? internett legges ut i Fronter, med unntak av utdragene fra Shelley og van Herk.

Johnson, Ada Blackjack, ?Ada Blackjack Johnson’s Diary? [1923]. I Northern Voices: Inuit Writing in English. Red. Penny Petrone. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988. pp. 92–99.

d’Aunet, Léonie. Voyage d'une femme au Spitzberg. Paris: Hachette, 1854. ELLER NORSK UTGAVE: En pariserinnes reise gjennom Norge til Spitsbergen anno 1838. Overs. Geneviève Jul-Larsen. Oslo: Aschehoug, 1968. ?F?rste brev: Om bord p? ‘Willem de Eerste’? (7-9), ?Sjette brev: Spitsbergen? (85-107), ??ttende brev: ?st-Sverige? (166).

Cresswell, Tim. Fences. London: Penned in the Margins, 2015. Del i-iii (11-13), xxii-xxiv (36-38).

Lopez, Barry. Arctic Dreams: Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape. New York: Vintage, 2001 [1986]. Kap. 7 ”The Country of the Mind” 252-301.

Lukkari, Rauni Magga. “Soai vácciiga buohtagalaid…”. I Dikt fra antikken til v?r tid: Vestens lyrikk gjennom 2700 ?r. Red. Jon Haarberg og Hans H. Skei. 3. utg. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk, 2002. 320-321.

Lynge, Aqqaluk. “Se vort land“(1970); “Gonorré“ (1970); “Ode til danaiderne“ (Dansk imperialisme i Gr?nland) (1973 ). I Gr?nlandsk Litteratur. En kommenteret antologi. Red. og overs.: Chr. Bertelsen og Per Langg?rd, 251-255. Danmark: Centrum, 1983.

Mowat, Farley. People of the Deer. Madeira Park, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 2012 [1952/1975].  “The Why and Wherefore” (6-18), “Chapter 19: Last Days of the People” (314-331), “Chapter 20: The Days to Come” (332-335).

Nansen, Fridtjof. Paa ski over Gr?nland: En skildring af Den norske Gr?nlands-ekspedition 1888-89. Kristiania: Aschehoug, 1890. Kap. 11 ”Nordover langs ?stskysten. M?de med eskimoer” (286-302), kap. 12 ”En eskimoleir” (303-333).

Payer, Julius. Die ?sterreichisch-ungarische Nordpol-Expedition in den Jahren 1872-1874, nebst einer Skizze der zweiten deutschen Nordpol-Expedition 1869-1870 und der Polar-Expedition von 1871. Wien: Alfred H?lder, 1876. ?Eispressungen in der Polarnacht. Tagebuch-Auszug? (87-93), “Im ?u?ersten Norden” (312-338), “Ueber das offene Meer”(431-458). ELLER NORSK UTGAVE: Den ?sterrigsk-ungarske Nordpol-Expedition i Aarene 1872-1874: tilligemed en Skitse af den anden tydske Nordpol-Expedition 1869-70 og af Polar-Expeditionen i 1871. Overs. F. O. Guldberg. Kristiania: Den norske Forlagsforening (H. Aschehoug & Co. Alb. Cammermeyer. J. W. Cappelen. P. T. Mallings Boghandel.), 1877. ?Ispresninger i Polarnatten. Dagbogs-Uddrag? (83-88), ?I det yderste Norden? (294-319), ?Over det aabne Hav? (408-435).

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein: The 1818 Text, Contexts, Criticism. Norton Critical Editions. Red. J. Paul Hunter. 2. utg. New York: Norton, 2012. Vol. I: Letters I-IV (7-18); Vol. II: Chap. II (65-70); Vol. III: Chap. VII (145-161).

Van Herk, Aritha. Places far from Ellesmere. Red Deer, Alberta: Red Deer College Press, 1990. ?Exploration Site: Ellesmere? (75-143).


Fast pensum teori: Bok

Schimanski, Johan, Cathrine Theodorsen, og Henning Howlid W?rp, red. Reiser og ekspedisjoner i det litter?re Arktis. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk, 2011.


Fast pensum teori: Artikler og utdrag

Tekster som ikke er fritt tilgjengelig p? internett legges ut i Fronter, med unntak av utdragene fra Atwood.


Atwood, Margaret. Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. Kap. ?Eyes of Blood, Heart of Ice: The Wendigo? (62-86).

Bloom, Lisa. Gender on Ice: American Ideologies of Polar Expeditions. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993. Introduksjon “A Passion for Blankness: U.S. and British Polar Discourse” (1-14).

Chartier, Daniel. ?Towards a Grammar of the Idea of North: Nordicity, Winterity?. Nordlit 22 (2007): 35-47.

Grace, Sherrill E.. Canada and the Idea of North.  Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. Kap. 6 ?Writing, Re-Writing, and Writing Back? (229-260).

Grant, Shelagh D. ?Arctic Wilderness and Other Mythologies?. Journal of Canadian Studies 33, no. 2 (1998): 27-42.

Spufford, Francis. I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English Imagination. London: Faber and Faber, 1996. Kap. 1 ?A Different History for the Poles? (1-15), kap. 2 ?The Sublime? (16-40).

Tallmadge, John. ?Voyaging and the Literary Imagination?. Exploration: Journal of the MLA Special Session on the Literature of Exploration & Travel 7 (1979): 1-16.

Loomis, Chauncey C. ?The Arctic Sublime?.  Nature and the Victorian Imagination. Red. U. C. Knoepflmacher og G. B. Tennyson. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. 95-112.

MacLulich, T. D. ?Canadian Exploration as Literature?. Canadian Literature 81 (1979): 72-85.

Mercer, Wendy. ?Representations of the Arctic in Nineteenth-Century French Prose Fiction?.  Arctic Discourses. Red. Anka Ryall, Johan Schimanski og Henning Howlid W?rp. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. 179-98.


Forslag til valgfritt pensum skj?nnlitteratur

H?eg, Peter. Fr?ken Smillas fornemmelse for sne, 1992.

Ingstad, Helge. Pelsjegerliv, 1931.

Ingstad, Helge. ?st for den store bre, 1935.

Kristensen, Monika. Ekspedisjonen, 2014.

Kristensen, Monika. Hollendergraven, 2007.

Leine, Kim. Kalak, 2007.

Lynge, Hans Anthon. Lige f?r der kommer skib, 1997.

McGrath, Melanie. White Heat, 2011.

Michelet, Jon. Orions belte, 1977.

Nappaaluk, Mitiarjuk. Sanaaq: An Inuit Novel, 2014.

Oxaas, Arthur. Svalbard var min verden, 1955.

Paver, Michelle. Dark Matter, 2010.

Pullman, Philip. Northern Lights, 1995.

Ransome, Arthur. Winter Holiday, 1933.

Rasmussen, Knud. Across Arctic America: Narrative of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1927. (f.eks. et utvalg: kap V, IX, XIII, XVI, XVIII)

Rifbjerg, Klaus. Nansen og Johansen: Et vintereventyr, 2002.

Ritter, Christiane. Eine Frau erlebt die Polarnacht, 1938 (engelsk oversettelse: A Woman in the Polar Night, 1954 og norsk oversettelse: Kvinne i polarnatten, 2002).

Simmons, Dan. The Terror, 2007.

Sundman, Per Olof. Ingenj?r Andrées luftf?rd, 1967.

Tardi, Jacques. Le Démon des glaces, 1974.

Uusma, Bea. Expeditionen: min k?rlekshistoria, 2013.

Wheeler, Sara. The Magnetic North: Travels in the Arctic, 2008

W?rp, Henning Howlid. En ?yreise, 2015.

Welzl, Jan. Thirty Years in the Golden North, 1932.

Woldstad, Wanny. F?rste kvinne som fangstmann p? Svalbard, 1956.


Forslag til valgfritt pensum sekund?rlitteratur/kommentarlitteratur: artikler eller utdrag fra f?lgende artikkelsamlinger og monografier

Gaupseth, Silje, Marie-Theres Federhofer, og Per Pippin Aspaas, red. Travels in the North: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Long History of Northern Travel Writing. Hannover: Wehrhahn, 2013.

Hansson, Heidi, og Cathrine Norberg, red. Cold Matters: Cultural Perceptions of Snow, Ice and Cold. Ume?: Ume? University/Royal Skyttean Society, 2009.

Melberg, Arne. ? reise og skrive: Et essay om moderne reiselitteratur. Oslo: Spartacus, 2005.

Ryall, Anka, Johan Schimanski, og Henning Howlid W?rp, red. Arctic Discourses. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2010.

Wiebe, Rudy. Playing Dead: A Contemplation Concerning the Arctic. Edmonton: NeWest, 1989.

Nordlit, spesialnumre om “Arctic Modernities”, “Narrating the High North”, “Narrating the High North II”, “Arctic Discourses”, “Arktiske diskurser”.


Forslag til valgfritt pensum sekund?rlitteratur/kommentarlitteratur: andre artikler

Borm, Jan. ?The Rhetorics of Arctic Discourse: Reading Gretel Ehrlich’s This Cold Heaven in Class?. I Travel and Ethics: Theory and Practice. Red. Corinne Fowler, Charles Forsdick og Ludmilla Kostova, 216-230. London: Routledge, 2013.

Br?gger, Fredrik Chr. ?The Paradoxical Discourse of Language and Silence in Some Contemporary North-American Texts on the Arctic?. Nordlit 29 (2012): 29-46.

Cavell, Janice. ?The Polar Regions? (Part 4: Imagined Geographies). I The Routledge Companion to Travel Writing. Red. Carl Thompson, 425-434. London: Routledge, 2016.

Foucault, Michel. ?Different Spaces? [?Des espace autres?, 1967]. Eng. overs.: Robert Hurley. I Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology: Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Volume 2. Red. James D. Faubion, 175–185. New York: The New Press, 1998.

Frank, Susi K. ?Mythos of the North Pole: The Top of the World?. Nordlit 35 (2015): 3-12.

Grace, Sherrill E. ?Re-Inventing Franklin?. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 22.3 & 4 (1995): 707-725.

Grace, Sherrill. ?Canada and its Images of the North?.  Images of the North: Histories, Identities, Ideas. Red. Jakobsson Sverrir. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2009. 51-68.

Grace, Sherrill. ?Gendering Northern Narrative?.  Echoing Silence: Essays on Arctic Narrative. Red. John Moss. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1997. 163-81.

Grant, Shelagh D. ?Myths of the North in the Canadian Ethos?. The Northern Review 3-4 (1989): 15-41.

Hamelin, Louis-Edmond. Canadian Nordicity: It’s Your North, Too [Nordicité canadienne, 1978]. Eng. overs.: William Barr. Montreal: Harvest House, 1979.

Heidegger, Martin. ?Building Dwelling Thinking? [?Bauen Wohnen Denken?, 1951]. Eng. overs.: Albert Hofstadter. New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1971.

Holland, Patrick og Graham Huggan. ?Zone Four: The Arctic?. I Tourists with Typewriters: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Travel Writing. Patrick Holland og Graham Huggan, 100-110. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998.

Huggan, Graham. ?Ultima Thule/North? (Part 4: Imagined Geographies). I The Routledge Companion to Travel Writing. Red. Carl Thompson, 331-340. London: Routledge, 2016.

Hulme, Peter og Tim Youngs. Talking About Travel Writing: A Conversation Between Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs. Leicester: English Association, 2007.

Kjeldaas, Sigfrid. ?Landscape and Vision in Gretel Ehrlich’s This Cold Heaven: Seven Seasons in Greenland”, Nordlit 35 (2015): 221-238.

Lopez, Barry. ?Landscape and Narrative?. Crossing Open Ground. New York: Vintage, 1978. 61-71.

Lorentzen, J?rgen. ?Kap. 1: Kj?nnets under?. I Mannlighetens muligheter. Oslo: Aschehoug, 1998. 7-31.

Pratt, Mary Louise. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation [1992]. New York: Routledge, 2008, 2. utgave.

MacLaren, I. S. ?The Aesthetic Map of the North, 1845-1859?. Arctic 38, no. 2 (1985): 89-103.

Spring, Ulrike og Johan Schimanski. ?The Useless Arctic: Exploiting Nature in the Arctic in the 1870s?. Nordlit 35 (2015): 13-27.

Wiebe, Rudy. ?Coursing a Naked Country?. I Echoing Silence: Essays on Arctic Narrative. Red. John Moss. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1997. 23-32.

W?rp, Henning Howlid. ?Fridtjof Nansen som forfatter – En litter?r vurdering av reiseskildringene?. Nordlit 29 (2012): 235-242.

Young, Iris Marion. ?House and Home: Feminist Variations on a Theme?. I Feminist Interpretations of Martin Heidegger. Red. Nancy J. Holland og Patricia Huntington. University Park PA: Pennsylvania State UP, 2001. 252-288.

Publisert 26. mai 2016 13:21 - Sist endret 5. sep. 2016 17:31