
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
14.01.2004Pauline Munch Eriksen (PME)? Seminarrom 810, Niels Treschows hus (onsdager 10.15-12.00)? Introduksjon.? Les: Lejeune, Phillippe:”Foreward” av Paul John Eakin i On Autobiography. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1989, s. 7-28. ?
21.01.2004PME? Som over ? Sjangerproblematikk? Les: Lejeune, Phillippe: ”The Autobiographical Pact” i On Autobiography. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1989, s. 3-30. ?
28.01.2004PME? som over? Augustin: Augustins bekendelser? Les: Augustins bekendelser og Taylor, Charles: ”In Interiore” og “Inner nature” i Sources of the Self. The Making of The Modern Identity. ?
04.02.2004PME? Som over? Augustin: Augustins bekendelser forts.? Les: Augustins bekendelser og Lionnet, Francoise: “Augustine’s Confessions: Poetics of Harmony, or the Ideal Reader in the Text” i Autobiographical Voices. Race, Gender, Self-Portraiture. ?
11.02.2004PME? Som over? Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: The Confessions. ? Les: Rousseaus The Confessions og de Mans “The Rhetoric of Blindness: Jaques Derrida’s Reading of Rousseau” i Blindness and Insight, ?
18.02.2004PME? Som over? Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: The Confessions forts.? Les: Rousseaus The Confessions og de Man: “Excuses (Confessions)” i Allegories of Reading?
25.02.2004? ? Lese- og skriveuke? ?
03.03.2004PME? Som over? Sartre, Jean-Paul: The Words. The Autobiography of Jean-Paul Sartre. ? Les: Sartres The Words og Lejeunes ”The Order of Narrative in Sartre’s Les Mots” i On Autobiography ?
10.03.2004PME? Som over? Sartre, Jean-Paul: The Words. The Autobiography of Jean-Paul Sartre forts.? Les: Eakins ”Storied Selves: Identity through Self-Narration” i How Our Lives Become Stories. Making Selves. ?
17.03.2004? ? Lese- og skriveuke? ?
24.03.2004PME? Som over? Stein, Gertrude: The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas? Les: Steins The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas og Lejeunes ”Autobiography in the Third Person” i On Autobiography?
31.03.2004PME? Som over? Stein, Gertrude: The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas forts.? Les: Steins The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas og Perloffs ”(Im)Personating Gertrude Stein” i Neuman, Shirley og Nadel, Ira B. (ed.) Gertrude Stein and the Making of Literature og Benstocks “? autorisere det selvbiografiske” i Feministisk litteraturteori

NB: Kontrollsp?rsm?l i 2. time?

07.04.2004? ? P?skeferie? ?
14.04.2004? ? Lese- og skriveuke? Utlevering av eksamensoppgave?
21.04.2004PME? Som over? Hurston, Zora Neale: Dust Tracks On a Road.? Les: Hurstons Dust Tracks On a Road og Fox-Genoveses “My Statue, My Self. Autobiographical Writings of Afro-American Women” i The Private Self, og Lionnets “Autoethnigraphy: The An-Archic Style of Dust Tracks on a Road” i Autobiographical Voices. Race, Gender, Self-Portraiture.?
22.04.2004? ? Utlevering av eksamensoppgaver? ?
28.04.2004PME? Som over? Hurston, Zora Neale: Dust Tracks On a Road forts. Oppsummering.? Les: Hurstons Dust Tracks On a Road og Eakins ”Self and Culture in Autobiography: Models of Identity and the Limits of Language” i Touching the World. Reference in Autobiography. ?
13.05.2004? ? Frist for innlevering av eksamensoppgave? ?
Publisert 6. mars 2005 18:01